Chapter 24: The Confinement- Part 2

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Day 22

"Ryuzaki?"  Watari's voice was calm as usual.

"Yes?"  L's voice was low and plain as he sat hunched over and staring at the screens.

"May I speak with you a moment?"

L looked up, his thumb pushed lazily to his bottom lip.  "Is something wrong?"

The old man moved his hands to clasp behind his back as he cleared his throat.  "Perhaps here is not the best place."

L stared up at him for a moment before swiveling away from the desk and stepping out of the chair, both hands sliding into his pockets. 

"Mister Aizawa, take over, please."

The curly-haired policeman set aside his laptop and stood up.  "You got it."

L then looked towards his son, who was coloring at the coffee table, but Watari spoke up quietly, only for L to hear

"Just the two of us, please."

L swung his incredulous gaze up to the calm pair of grey-blue eyes behind gold spectacles.  He never left his son in the care of anyone who wasn't Watari or himself.

But Wammy stayed calm.  "Just in my room here, Ryuzaki.  He'll be fine."

The detective looked wary but finally gave an annoyed sigh, trusting his handler.  "Mogi.  Matsuda.  Keep an eye on him, please."  He nodded towards the boy who was oblivious to the conversation due to the headphones he wore. 

"Oh, sure thing, Ryuzaki!" Matsuda perked up.  "We won't let you down!"  He quickly stood to his feet but then realized there was no need to do so, and he sat back down.

Mogi rolled his eyes, and L nodded before turning to follow Watari.

Once inside the suite bedroom that Watari was currently using as his own, L turned to the older man.

"What's going on, Watari?" he asked pointedly.  "You're acting strangely."

Wammy's hands were clasped behind his back again.  He tipped his head a little before speaking.  "Your son would like to take a walk with you today."

L only stared, and Watari stared right back.  Then shadowed eyes closed, and L shook his head.  "You brought me in here... to tell me that?"

"I did."  Wammy nodded.

"You know the answer."

"I do, yes."  The old man nodded again.  "Which is why I brought you in here.  To persuade you otherwise.  I think it would be healthy for you both to get some fresh air and to spend some time together."

"But the case-"

"The case consists of surveilling three video monitors at the moment.  Two, actually, as the Chief needn't be watched so closely.  And I believe such a job can be delegated to your task force while you take some time for your son."

"What, those nitwits?" L practically snapped.  "They don't believe me, Watari!  If something were to happen, assuming they didn't miss it completely, they'd certainly write it off as nothing--  I saw Amane's hair move, I know I did-" 

"And I believe you," Watari replied gently.  "I will be here with them.  You may even go back and watch the recordings when you return, if you wish."

L brought a hand to his head and made a fist around some hair.  "Watari..." he said lowly.  "I realize that in your eyes, I'm neglecting my son.  And... maybe I am.  But this is temporary, and it's for just about the best reason there could be.  He is safe, and right now, that is all that matters.  I haven't... stopped caring about him, I love him, I-"

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