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"Mason?!" I say nervously while taking a step back. How can mason, the school's bad boy, and a HORRIBLE CRIMINAL find me here... 

Mason takes a step closer to me, smirking "Well Jakey here doesn't know how to be secretive, so I found out he was coming to get you. So I called my GANGS and we followed him her to TAKE YOU with me, the person you TRULY belong with" "No!" I yell, "I'm not going anywhere with you! you're a thief and a CRIMINAl!!" mason grabs my arm pulling me to him when suddenly Jake and Dream both lung at Mason and the entire group of men because to run towards them. They all start fighting, there are people and objects flying in all directions. 
Bang, WOOSH, smash

Something hits my head... and I blackout...

I wake up, I don't know how long it's been, and I don't know where I am. Its dark, i look around and try to move my hands tied behind my back on a chair. i see a figure in the distance... "So, your finally awake" the figure walks closer... its Mason! "what... what am i doing here? where even am i ??"

Mason smirks "Oh that doesn't matter anymore y/n... your with me now.. and thats how itll stay forever... "" I shake trying to break free, "NO! ill get out!!"

Thats WHat the mask is: No way home PART 3Where stories live. Discover now