Spoiled Me!

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Hi my name is Neyah, i am 17 years old and going to be a senior in high school this year. I live in Miami with my mom Gineva and my dad Antonio. I am a only child to this very well known couple. My parents own over 100 True stores around the world. I love fashion and reading. I am 5'6, light skinned, grey eyes, natural curly hair, dimples, nice c cup breast, flat stomach, and a video girl booty. Some may look at me and my clothes, cars, and think that im a spoiled rich bitch but im not that typical.

Finally after begging my mom and dad to let me go to a public school they said yes. I had been asking for weeks now and it was worth it. School starts in just 4 days and i need to get some shopping done. I will be going to Miamiview high school (made up) i cant wait. But clothes is a must for this new school year so i gotta call my girl Janelle to see if she down to ride.

"Hello" Janelle answered.

"Hey girl! What you doin?" I asked.

"Nothin boo bored as ever and oh so very upset." She said.

"Well hows about you come shoppin wit me today and tell me all about it?" I say.

"Okay give me 10 minutes" she told me.

"Okay babe be there in 20" i said as i hung up the phone. Janelle and i go way back since diaper days. We are truely best friends born a week apart and been side by side ever since. I went to my closet and pulled out some black balloon shorts and a white tank top with a pair of all white j's grabbed my keys and was out the door.

I pull up to Janelles 20 minutes after our phone call and beeped the horn on my black challenger my 2nd baby this year, my first is my brand new 2012 ranger rover my daddy just bought me for my bday. After waiting 5 minutes for janelle here she Comes dragging out of here big brown house which by the way is huge but not bigger than mines wearing a strappless teal sun dress and white gladiator sandles with D&B shades on. Janelle is about 5'5 brown skinned, short hair cut bob styled, hazel eyes, skinny frame with big d cup boobs she is obsessed with them and her boyfriend Todd Dims. She got in and i pulled off to the mall. "Sooooo whats wrong Nells?" I ask her calling her by her nickname i gave her when we were younger. "Im pregnant yaya!" She said tears falling down her cheeks. Yaya is my nickname from childhood also. "WHAT! HOW! WHO!" I screamed when we pulled up to a red light. "IM PREGNANT! CAUSE I HAD SEX THATS HOW AND BY TODD!" She screamed back at me. I was so stunned at this news. "So did you tell Todd yet?" I questioned her. "Yeah. He said we will haveto deal with it because he is against abortions." She said wiping her eyes. When we pulled up to the mall i parked and we got out i gave my best friend the biggest hug ever. "Its going to be okay boo, im here for u otay?" "Yea i know." She smiled we walked in the mall went into hella stores i bought a bunch if stuff.

After we left the last store we both said we were hungry so we went to the food court. "Chinese on me?" I asked. She agreed. We got our food and sat down at a table, i look up to see my bestfriend staring at something behind me. I turn around and locked eyes with some sexy ass dude i never seen before. I smiled and turned away from him only to be tapped on my shoulder. I look up at the same dude i was staring at just a minute ago. "Um hi?" I questioned not sure of what he wanted. "Wassup mami? I couldnt help but notice that you are very very beautiful, and i havent seen you around here before." "Thank you and thats because im not from this neighborhood i live uptown." I said "Damn ma u must got dough? But what chu doin around here?" He asked. "Well i am going to be starting MVHS this year so just thought i make myself familiar with these parts. Is that a problem?" He smirked "No not at all boo but i gotta go" he said while looking at his phone. "Okay well nice talking to you...." "jayell" he said "Jayell." I repeated. "And your name is...?" He said copying my voice. "Neyah but you can call me yaya." I said. "Okay ms. Sexy yaya i'll catch up with you later ma is that cool?" I started to shake my head but i quickly stopped when Janelle kicked me under the table. "Yeah sure." I said and waved as his sexy carmel skinned ass walked away.

Let me know what u guys think& i will update more!!!! This is my first story i have so much going on in this story that i hope u guys will like it.... COMMENTS&VOTES

Not The Typical Rich Bitch!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz