Chapter 23 - Polocrosse

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"Easy, Easy, Easy" The Girl Hummed, Looking through the Cage On the Polcrosse helmet down Towards where the Ball was Sitting on the ground.

"And That's Jessica Emlot with the Ball" She cheered as She Cantered Cruiser Around. Although she was Just playing By herself down In the Polocrosse paddock, She was Still taking it like it was a real game.

She put her Reins Forward, Urging the Buckskin Mare More forward as they headed towards the Line. She Bounced the ball over the Line, The hard earth making it bounce right back into the net. They cantered along for a few more steps before Jess Flicked the Ball Out of the Net, Giving the mare a big slappy pat when the ball went through the goals.

"Nice One Jess!" The Agriculture Teacher Called out as she walked past the Polo crosse paddock, Leading two horses behind her.

Jess Nodded, Giving the Teacher a 'wave' as she clicked Cruiser back into a Trot. The mare Cruised Along, It was Obvious Why she got the name Cruiser. Her paces Were Big, Uphill and Floaty. She Just Cruised Along. 

The speaker Attached To her Saddle bounced around Slightly, The lyrics of 'Heavy Eyes' by Zach Bryan Blasting out of it as She sung. 

"Remember when David dashed
A 12 pack of Budweiser heavy for the road?
Two kids in the back drunk off their ass
Screaming in an old Bronco

And I recall what she said
That she wanted me dead
But there ain't no grave deep enough
Remember all the nights we had?
You said it, "Ain't so bad"
Keep those heavy eyes looking up

Remember when Mary brought her own Jane?
Lucas thought he was gonna die
The stars started falling out of a night cloud
From a clear Midwestern sky

I recall what she said
Screaming that the sky is red
Burning to a younger man's mind
Remember all the days we had?
I'd say it ain't so bad
Keep those heavy eyes soft and kind"

"Nice Singing Jess!" Riley Called out with a laugh, Riding his Big black Gelding.

"Oh Shut Up Cardwell" She laughed, Bringing the Mare back to a Stop.

"Y'know, Some People would say You're Mentally not ok if You talk to Yourself" He said, Raising an Eyebrow.

"How Blake puts Up with You, I Will never Know" Jess Replied Laughing. 

*1 Month Later*

((Jess' Pov))

Finally, The Christmas Holidays. 2 Months of no School Work, Campdrafts, Rodeos, Good times and Visiting Luke.. Who i haven't seen In 2 Months.. Fun-.

The Familiar 79 Series Landcruiser Pulled down the Driveway, Mum and Dad In the Front. Once the ute came to a Stop, I dropped my Bags, Running towards the two and Giving them a Massive Hug,

"I haven't seen You Guys In ages!" I Said, in the Middle of the two.

"Oh We've Missed You" Mum Said, Tears in her eyes whilst Dad Just laugh. It was Good to see them not sticking in the past, They had Moved on, As Had I. 

I knew the Plan was to Stop by Luke's Station for a Few days First. All the Ringers and Station Hands Had stuff Under Control and i mean Hey, I'm not Complaining.

It Would be a Bit weird Though.. Luke and I haven't really talked In a few weeks. No reason for that other than the fact He's trying to juggle work and heaps of other things and I'm trying to Juggle School. Which I am About ready to Give Up on at this Point. I mean, Mum and Dad are considering letting me drop out so thats a bonus I guess?

The gates I had Known To Love Came into View, Showing us that in 10 minutes we would be at the Main House. If i was Being Honest, I was Hella Nervous. I had no clue what to expect.

David's, Luke's Dad, Tall figure Quickly Came into View. In the past year, he had practically taken Up the Second Father role in my life. Once the Cruiser came to a stop, we all jump out. His arms were out open for a hug.

"Jessy! How are you" He asked, Giving Me and Hug and scruffing up my hair considering i hadn't placed my akubra on my head yet.

"Not to bad Thanks.." I replied with a bright Smile. He caught my eyes looking around though.

David Sighed with a Chuckle. "Down At the Cattle yards at the Ringer's Place" He replied, Chucking me the Keys To one of the Utes.

"Thankyou!!" I replied, Running two Steps before I swung around.

"Can I?" I asked My parents raising An Eyebrow.

"Sure, off You go! We'll look after the Horses, Go see that Boyfriend of yours" Dad Replied, passing Me My Akubra as I blushed Slightly. Luckily no one noticed

"Just be back for Tea and No stupid driving Thanks!" Mum Called Out as I slammed the Door Shut to the Old Hilux. Let's go. 

Once the ignition was On, I checked the Fuel Monitor.

"It's Full, I just filled it up" David Called out. I sent Him a Quick Thumbs up before Chucking the Hilux in Reverse, Putting My foot on the Clutch and Changing Into gear 1 Once I was Past the Ute and Gooseneck.

The Old Ute Drove down the Dirt Track. Considering i didn't have My P's Yet and I was still on my L's For a Few more Months, I followed the Station 'Driveway' to the Second House. After a 30 Minute Car Drive, Singing bangers off the Radio and Enjoying the Serenity of the station again, The Ringers Area Finally Came Into View. 

((Luke's Pov))

I looked up Slightly From the generator at the Bore I was Fixing, Spotting the Hilux Dad said he was gonna bring down this way come down the track.

"Took you Long Enough David" I called Out, A Slight Chuckle in my Voice.

"Jeez, I'm Offended i just got mistaken as A 40 year Old man" A Girl's Voice said. 

Dropping the Tools In My hand, i spun Around. It was her. Just By looking at her Akubra, And The old pit Vipers Covering the girls Eyes, The Blonde hair and Massive bright Grin i could tell.

"Jess!" I said Happily, Picking Her Up in a Hug and Swinging her Round.

"Luke" She laughed. "Put Me Down!!". She had a Massive grin on her face. The Girl was finally home. She had her Family, Her horses, And Luke.


Omg its Been like a month since i updated and i still kinda hate this book. Just the timings in it is just a nooo. Anyways I've had the flu and Covid all in the same month so i've just needed a break and now we're back haha. hope yous r all good!!

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