Chapter 1

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Saturday 25th August 1992

"I'm not coming to get you Steve." I state firmly, resting my head on the telephone, sorting my bed out. "Y-yes you are, I'm drunk." He slurs into the phone. I could own imagine the scene in my head, Steve was probably drunkily walking down the street, sloshing around, hair messed up and sweat rolling down his forehead.

"You get home perfectly last time, and you were way more drunk." I reply, emphasising on the word 'way'.

"Guess I'm u-under the skulls s-spell," He adds, and I furrow my eyebrows together at his stranger drunk comment. "You aren't making any sense right now. Where are you?" I shout down the phone, frustrated.

"I'm in h-hell, with the s-skull L-lot," He says, and just like that I heard a muffled puke from the other side of the phone.

"Steve where the fuck are you!" I yell, about to throw the phone across the room. "Oh y-yeah, the h-hideout." MHe replies finally.

"I'm coming to get you. Stay there." I say, ending the call and running out our apartment, keys in hand. I hop in the car, with a huge sigh and now I'm off to go find Steve.

I circle the street where the hideout was and no sign of Steve. Fuck sake does this man listen.

I quickly found a telephone box, dialling Steve's number. "Where the fuck are you Steve!" I repeat for the second time tonight.

"I w-went home, I r-ran," He jokes, and I turn around confused, only to see Steve in another telephone box waving at me.

I walk over to him, angry and confused. "Nice to see you Lots," He smiles. "So you're not drunk?" I question, knitting my eyebrows together.

"M' drunk but I can talk without slurring." He smirks, pointing a finger at me.

"You're such a prick!" I shout, playfully punching his arm. "Let's go then mamacita!" He struts off to my car with a clap of his hands.

"What were you up to then tonight?" I question, starting the car. "Just catching up with some old pals," He replies.

"From high school?" I ask him, going to turn on the radio. "From high school." He repeats, as 'Paradise City' starts playing.

"Lottie, shit, you have the worst music taste in the world," Steve insults, trying to turn the music down but that only made me crank it up higher.

"I can't hear you!" I shout over the music singing the lyrics, and rolling my window down, letting the strong wind hit my face.

"Take me down to the paradise city- join in Steve you know the words!" I push his arm.

"Where the grass is green," He mumbles but I stare at him, indicating to him to sing louder. "And the girls are pretty!" He shouts and I laugh as we bomb down the empty streets of Hawkins singing guns n roses.


Sunday 26th August 1992

"You know Lots, my friend is doing a gig at The Hideout on Tuesday, and he invited you and me." Steve says, handing me the tickets.

"What kind of music is it?" I question, biting my bottom lip. "Very metal, music babe, you haven't met Eddie have you?" He laughs. My face lights up knowing I'm going to a sweaty, jam packed metal gig.

"I haven't met Eddie, he seems like a cool guy." I laugh, sitting down on the couch, with a bottle of beer in my hand.

"He's interested in you, told him you liked metal music and I think he might of fallen in love," Steve teases. "Maybe I might fall in love, depends." I laugh, taking a sip of my beer.

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