CHAPTER 1- The Unknown Scent

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Im lying on my bed lifelessly as i stare at the cieling in dispair unkowing what to do with the rest of my miserbale life. I should pro bably get up and ready ive been sititng in my bed for hours doing nothing but stare at the bland roof stained with bepsi. In attempt to get up the fatigue takes over causing the whats last of my strength to vanish within seconds, I can't take this anylonger. The great depression within me has taken over all I must do now is wait for a miracle to occur before its too late.

I use as much strength as I can gather to turn myself into a more comfortable position before I go into eternal sleep when a crash come from the kitchen, I brush it off my shoulder assuming it was one of those mis behaving children and lower my gaurd continueing to doze off once again. The rattling in the kitchen continues for half an hour longer preventing me from doing what I wanted. Can I not rest in piece during my final days?? This cruel, cruel world has got me running round. 

Finally the noise has stopped... as i take my last deep breath I choke on something magnifcent, such a scent so unimaginable I crap myself. The miricale has came just in time. The scented air lifting me out of my bed as they do in such cartoons. its pure bliss, its just like unfiltered happiness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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