A beautiful punishment

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Ouch they said in unison as they both moved apart from eachother," can't you look where you are going" a guy in his mid twenties said eyeing her,she cursed him underneath her breath "what are you saying" he asked, nothing she replied and went out of the compound with fast strides not wanting him to go as far as asking her where she's going even though she knows he's not much of a talkative, he shook his head and walked towards the entrance of the living room.

"Assalamualaikum",he said the salaam. "who am i seeing in this house, Aryan?" "Yes maami"."you have forgotten about your maami i see"." no wlhi it's not like that these days work is stressful that's why".okay so how's the work its been good so far and how are you am doing good alhamdulillah "toh masha Allah may Allah bless you"ameen ameen.she asked her maid to bring some snacks and they started talking even though most of the talk is done by her before he stood up.maami let me get going I want to see abir to talk about some work in the office.just say that's what brought you to this compound she said in an enthusiastic tone

he curved his small cute lips to something that looks like a smile probably not one because he's not used to it, and said no wlhi i came specially to greet you.she smiled and prayed for him before he left the living room.

"Will you wake up and let's talk before i loose my temper",he said annoyed because he's been in abir's bed room for more than 5 minutes now but the crack head is not even waking up for them to talk about what brought him. listen, am not here to have fun or something.

he sat upright and glared at Aryan for disturbing his peaceful nap, "well am here to talk about that company that wants to invest in our company ".

"i made a background check and i found out that the company is suffering a loss and they want the sheriff's to help them recover their lost.and it seems okay to me" abir said in one breath with Aryan looking at him wondering how he could talk this much without any obstruction. "I'll see to it" he nodded.

They kept chatting about the company before he left for he also needs some rest.today is sunday and he wants to go to the company by four to check on something

By Allah i won't get down until u take me to where i asked u to,amaani said to the cab man for she knows better than to go out with any of the cars in the house cause she doesn't want any one to know she's out even though she knows taking a cab is not the best Idea.

 "will u get down i have important things to do ma'am" then take  me where u're supposed to","ma'am i can't enter this estate it's not allowed, call the person u know there to come and pick you up","i don't care just take me in" ma'am am telling you it's the rich family in abuja we are talking about, the top richest family here it's a disgrace to them for me to enter this estate with a Rickshaw," and I've already told you am not coming out right"

Driving out of the estate he saw a Rickshaw near the estate filled with amazement, he drove further to the place where he saw her exchanging words with the man.

Saying he is shock is an understatement,-what the hell is she doing in a Rickshaw with all the cars and drivers in the estate what is she trying to prove being a sheriff and!!!!???????? What the hell, am definitely gonna trash this girl-are the thoughts in his mind.

After so much argument she decided to just give up so she turned around and boom their eyes got locked.

dum dum dum drum dum that was the sound her heart made trying to come out of her chest she hurriedly came down from the rickshaw and handed  over a one thousand naira note not paying heed to the wait and collect your change he's saying she entered the estate with fast strides.

Wanting to deal with her before he forgets he turned the car and went back to the estate, as soon as she saw him coming towards her she started running but unfortunately for her he caught her with just few steps she started trying to escape but to no avail,he locked the door of his parlor after pushing her in"am sorry pls don't beat me"she said shaking her head vigorously," he didn't even pay heed to her as he went to his room" he's not beating her - his mother did a job well done by teaching him to respect women - he just wants her to know that she'd made a mistake,he left without uttering a word to her.

She cursed him under her breath, hadn't been she doesn't have a chance to escape she could have disrespected him and run away,and he's surely not getting away with this.she's been standing her legs are sour and she knows better than to sit for it will be double

"Leave",was all he said to her for leaving her for four good hours in the position he left her in.

"Wallahi i won't agree,i most get back at him he should just wait, no one messes with amaani and get away with it",she said when she finally sat on the couch in their living room.

"And who are you talking about" her mother asked,no one she smiled thinking of what she's going to do to him.

"Where are you even from"," errrmm maami i just went to get some fresh air "she lied knowing if she'd said that she went to her friends party after she's been told not to go, her mother would've actually added to what aryaan did.

Let me freshen up,am stressed out,she said heading to her room upstairs.you'll never change amaani.maami said looking at the room her last born just entered.

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