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Moving on ice is exhilarating, the jumps, turns, glides

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Moving on ice is exhilarating, the jumps, turns, glides. Every second is electrifying. A place to be completely alone and not feel an ounce of sorrow.

My 6th season is coming to a horrendous end putting me in my lowest ever ranking for a semi final. Two last competitions and the season would be over. Two last chances to end out on top. A week ago I had been told by my coach that I would have the luxury of having someone watch my every move for the time I'm in Japan, courtesy of my parents. I would have a hero helping me around the city , the Hyungs family friend- Shouta Aizawa because they wanted me to have more company because apparently i 'spend too much time by myself'.

Really, they're trying to get back in my good graces, as money-hungry parents do.

So, from getting to know my new acquaintance and having to completely change my skating gear due to their beat-up form, I've been a complete mess.

'I need to refill my pills'
'I need to get a new squeaker'
'I have to make sure my costumes are fitted'
'Where the hell are my skate guards?'
'Did I forget my jacket?'
'I need to call Anastasia'

I was glad that i remembered to actually pack my skates- oh.

"shit" before I could reach for my phone a notebook was chucked at me. There stood Aizawa at the doorway

"You've been pacing for a solid 10 minutes so instead of trying to memorise everything just write it down."

"Thanks Shouta, have you seen my phone?" Reminders littered the pages while Aizawa held up my shiny white phone. "God you're a lifesaver"


A half hour later I was on the train heading towards my coach, Anastasia. For the first time in a month, I've been semi organised- well, I at least have a plan. After visiting my coach, I would pick up my new skates along with a new jacket, guards and soakers. After I need to take a train 5 stops to a pharmacist to refill my pills and then I could finally res-

"Watch where you're going idiot."
I picked up my head and was met with daring crimson orbs and a beautiful shade of blonde, his muscled made perfect curves around his body and I could feel the tensing in his shoulders.

"You walked into me asshat!" I'm really in a rush so I should just take the high road and get to Anastasia as soon as possible. Was I going to? Hell no!

"The fuck did you just say to me?" The stupidly attractive blonde looked me up and down.

"Maybe if you got your head out of your ass you would be able to see where you're going." Not my greatest decision by far, actually probably one of my 'in the moment choices' since I'm already late- shit I'm already late.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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