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In the year of 1185 A well known man name the man slayer of a thousand man in kyoto and all of Japan, But one day he disapered from a battlefield. Some says he died others say he disappear. He wasn't the only one though he was in a group that they call the Elite 4 with their leader being a women but they all went on there separate ways to have a new and better life. Most of the groups still fight either for the government or for themselfs. But you never know unless you meet them. The government has changed over the years and came up with new rules.

Rule 1: nobody that is not the police is not allowed to have any weapons.

Rule 2: if you have a dojo or is teaching people you can still teach them but 20% of the money you get will go to the government if not then the whole profit will go to the government with taxes to include.

Rule 3: if police officers see to it that you did something wrong then you are to go to prison and pay the amount they see fit.

Rule 4: if taxes not pay on time then it will double the amount and will be send to jail.

Those was the rules. Every samurai was in a up roar but ture to the laws most samurais clan and people were killed and sent to jail even the children some were lucky to get out alive. Some had their friends take care of the children but most of the kids became orphans. Japan is in their dark days by the government today. Will japan be saved or will the suffer until they parish.

Kill La Samuraiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें