Chapter 1

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Corabella gasped, taking Lacey's hand. The two girls had just seen their greatest enemy. He was Corabella's enemy by choice, and Lacey's enemy by association. His sour smile led Corabella to believe he had plans for them tonight, plans that did not include her being friends with Lacey, but of course, Lacey wouldn't let that ruin her life, she had bigger things to worry about. Like the man, for instance. 

 He stepped closer to Corabella. He was too close. He was almost breathing down her neck. He was like a spider! Then again, he was the King of Spiders! 

 "Cora?" Lacey's voice was concerned. 

The two girls looked at one another, Corabella spoke. 

"Yes?" Corabella smiled in answer. She knew what Lacey was thinking, what she was about to do, but she couldn't help her. This was the man that had ruined her life, that had ruined what little life she had. This was the man that would never really love her like he had told her he did.

Lacey's eyes widened, "But Cora," she began, but she was cut off by another voice. 

 The voice was ugly and harsh, just like their enemy. It was his voice, the one that had her heart thumping at the thought of it. She knew it was her enemy's voice because the other had said "Cora." 

It was Satoru, and he was walking up towards the two girls. He was striding towards them like a predator, and the two girls were heading straight towards him, dread rising in their chests. 

 The girls were frozen, Lacey almost tripping over her feet in surprise. 

Satoru was standing in front of them, his arms crossed, staring down at the two girls with contempt. He began to speak, his voice so quiet that it was barely audible. 

 "Your next, princess." 

 His last word sent a chill down her spine. Their king was calling her a princess, and she hadn't heard that word for three years. 

 "B-but," she stammered, trying to come up with a reason as to why she shouldn't get involved with him. 

 "I'm  afraid you will always be a princess," he said, but this was the calm before the storm. "Every moment you live, every breath you take, will make you a princess. Don't bother fighting it, princess, you know you will be mine." His smile caressed her face. 

Lacey was taken aback, for what reason would she fight such a claim? She would have to give in, she would be his for eternity, and his rule would be complete.Lacey was silenced. 

His smile changed, dangerous instead of greedy.

"And now, I'm taking Cora to my table," he continued, this time looking at Lacey. His hand came up, and something came to her cheek, gently caressing her skin. 

"No, please, don't eat her!!" Lacey gasped. Her voice was desperate, and her eyes flicked to his lips. Maybe a kiss would stop him?

The man stood, unconcerned, but his hand stayed on her cheek."Shush," he said, then whispered in her ear. 

"I won't hurt her. Don't you want to be with me?" His finger trailed down to her collar.

Steeling her nerves, she stepped closer, wondering if standing on her tiptoes would help her reach his lips. 

His eyes flicked to her, trying to read her intent. Lacey knew she was doomed, he was known for his sense of emotion. 

 "Don't you?" he whispered, and Lacey nodded."Yes," she said, then smiled. She was lying. She was afraid of him. 

 "Then kiss me," he commanded. 

 She closed her eyes and breathed out. "If I don't?" 

 He shook his head and she opened her eyes, looking up at him. "Good," he said, stepping in closer. "Come here," he said, pulling her into a kiss. 

She closed her eyes and breathed out. She could do this. For Corabella's sake, she would do this. 

Satoru was intimidating, but maybe she could soften him. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, her mouth coming to an inch away from his lips. 

His face was tense, his jaw clenched tightly, but it was his eyes that frightened her.Satoru wanted her, Lacey knew. And something inside her liked it, just a bit. 

 The entire world seemed to shatter, the colors turned to grey, and she felt her body being lifted up into the air. The next thing she knew, she was with her feet dangling over the edge of the table.

Corabella was nowhere to be seen, but Satoru was holding her by the collar. 

 "You know what I like, princess?" he said, the knife still in his hand.She shook her head, confused. 

 "Your fear," he said, and she shut her eyes, knowing that it wouldn't make a difference.

"You wouldn't drop me," she said, pleading with her eyes as her voice shook. "Please don't drop me!" 

 He smiled, and brought the knife to her throat. 

 "You don't want to talk now," he said, his voice threatening."Kiss me, princess," he said, and her eyes snapped open.

"I'll be right back," she said, and turned to run. 

 Satoru was right there in front of her, his dagger at her throat.

"It's all right, princess," he said, "I won't kill you. Not yet." 

 "You'll kill me if you don't kiss me, then," she said, and her eyes flared with anger. 

 He flicked the dagger out, and she scurried backward, falling to the ground. He stood over her, and threw the knife away. 

She was more afraid of him now than ever. But he wanted her, and she knew he'd stop at nothing to get her.


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