Chapter 2

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A/N: Updates Sundays if anyone was desperately curious. It's when the Inferkit AI gives you 10,000 more free characters of writing.


Her eye caught the exit, and she tried to turn toward it, but he caught her arm, forcing her face up to his. 

 "Trust me, princess," he said, "I won't do anything you don't like." 

She whimpered and tried to pull away, but he was stronger and he held her fast. His hand caught her chin and forced her to lift her face. His eyes drifted over her lips, and she was mesmerized by the unrestrained desire in his gaze. He reached out and ran the tip of his tongue down her jawline, caressing her neck. 

 "Trust me," he whispered, and she thought he was going to kiss her, but his other hand caught her shoulder and spun her around so that her back collided with his chest and his arm trapped her, and suddenly they were flying through the air. 

Lacey screamed, more from surprise than fear, but before she knew it they had landed in the window of a dark room. 

Satoru released her and shut the window behind them, locking it securely. He turned to her, watching as she looked around the room.She hesitated."Is that... is that what you call a bedroom?" she said, and her voice was more afraid than she'd ever heard it. 

 He smiled. "Don't be shy. Come here," he said, and he reached out to take her hand, but before he could get to her, the door opened. 

Both of them turned, but their surprised expressions wore off in an instant and were replaced-- Lacey's with fear and Satoru's with rage. 

 "You!!" he snarled, stepping close to Lacey to shield her. "You should not be here." 

 "And you should not have my property in your bedroom," the voice of the Prince said, dangerous and low. 

 Lacey shivered, pressing close to Satoru's chest. She was afraid of the Prince, but she could not afford to show it. Satoru's fingers tightened on her hand, and he spun around to face the Prince. 

 "Satoru!" she cried, grabbing his arm, trying to keep him from doing anything rash. 

 "She's not property," he growled, ignoring her. "Do you really think you have the right to try to own a woman, prince? A mortal?" 

 "I never said I owned her, Satoru." The Prince stepped closer, and Lacey shrank behind the dark Spider King. "But she was promised to me. And I will have her." 

 "You'll have to kill me first," Satoru retorted, whipping a dagger out of nowhere. 

 "Satoru no!" She cried, reaching out to stop him, but it was too late. He lunged forward, drawing the blade across the Prince's throat. 

 The Prince staggered back, holding his bloodied throat, but Lacey cried out and Satoru spun on her, grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her down beside the bed. 

"Stay there," he commanded. "Stay. Here." 

Lacey crawled to the corner and curled up into a ball, but she did not cry. She knew Satoru would come for her, but she did not know what to do. Stay? Here? Where? What was the Prince doing in Satoru's home? Had he somehow known the spider king would bring her here? Too many thoughts were whirling around in her head, and the image of the lifeblood spilling from the Prince's throat made her feel faint and sick. She had never seen a killing, until now. Dimly she made out Satoru's voice. He was shouting something about his passion and respect for her. Her emotions seemed to sway back and forth, and she felt like she was in free fall, caught in a storm with no end in sight.

 "Satoru," she said at last, her voice small and thin.

His voice stopped. Footsteps approached the bed, and his shadow fell over her. She closed her eyes. 

 His arms pulled her out of the corner and held her close. After holding her for what seemed forever, he pulled back and looked down at her, tilting her face up with his hand.

Again his eyes scanned her face, and they darkened with passion at the sight of her lips. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. She sighed softly. His voice was gentle as he whispered, "I believe we were in the middle of something." 

She opened her eyes and saw him glance between her and the bed with a meaningful look. Her cheeks heated, but she allowed him to lead her to the bed. Gentler than ever, he picked her up and laid her on the silken covers. He carefully covered her up, but did not let her go. Instead, he began to kiss her. She felt the warmth and security of his arms around her and closed her eyes. The passion. 

The sweetness of his lips on hers. His arm slid around her waist and he pulled her to him, holding her close. Her lashes fluttered as his kisses became more fervent, and she floated into a sea of peace. 

The next thing she knew she was falling asleep, held safely in his arms. The Prince would not get her now. With Satoru she was safe.

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