Chapter 3

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A/N: WELCOME BACCCCKKK! We missed a week for personal reasons(forgetfulness), but it's back, and this time. Extra angst.


Satoru held her with such care, like he had never touched her before. He had claimed her, claimed her heart. Now he would make her a part of his.

He looked at her, cupping her cheek, and for a moment she imagined the man she had fallen in love with. Then he kissed her, warm and soft, his lips sending shivers down her spine.

He had changed. She could see that. She could see how much he had changed.

She felt no more need to hate him. She hoped that maybe they had both been in the wrong.

"You are so cold," he murmured. "Let me warm you, mi neko. Let me warm you."

His words were gentle, but for the first time in days, Satoru seemed to be his old self, and she did not want to deny him.

So she closed her eyes, and let him warm her.


Five days later, the prince returned. He was accompanied by his valet, another vampire, a new maidservant, and a woman Lacey was expecting. He did not speak to Lacey on the way in, nor did he speak to Lacey on the way out. He did not even address her as "Mi neko."

There was a rumble from the crowd as the Prince arrived, and Lacey thought it was only the wind. But then she saw it. Hundreds of vampires in vampire uniforms had walked in, and there were more walking in the streets behind them. They were all heading for the Prince's palace.

"Why are they here?" Lacey asked, drawing Corabella's attention.

"My understanding is that they are here to see if the Prince will punish you for breaking the rules. For assisting the vampire who turned you."

"For breaking the rules?" Lacey repeated, confused. "What rules?"

"The rules that govern our kind." Corabella raised an eyebrow.

"They do not apply to him."

"And I told you this, Lacey, but the rules apply to you. To vampires."

Corabella stared at Lacey. Lacey stared at her.

"What?" Lacey asked. "What do you mean, 'to vampires'? Are you a vampire too?"

Corabella turned, her eyes hard. "We are all vampires."

Lacey was so flustered that she didn't think before she asked, "Then why are there humans in front of you, with flesh?"

"They are human now, but they were once vampires. They know what it was like." Corabella pointed to one of the human servants, then the Prince himself. "And they can tell you. They witnessed it."

Lacey understood. "Oh," she said, as she looked at the woman.

"We know who you are, right?" Corabella addressed the human. "Your name is Monica Blake."

Lacey's eyes widened. "What is she doing here? I never saw her."

"Your father introduced her. She will be tonight's main course."

"What?" Lacey was caught off guard. Her father had never mentioned a human being.

"Father," she said, her voice trembling. "What are you doing?"

"You don't know? I guess you never did." Her father's eyes were dark red, humming with his thirst for blood.

He smiled, his fangs flashing. "You are worried about the Prince's new wife?"

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