The After Party

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Amanda's Head

Amanda awakened slowly as a sliver of bright sunlight escaped the edge of the curtain, and made its unwelcomed rays hover over her right eye. She turned to her side to avoid it, hoping to get more sleep, with the intention to hang onto the last remnants of her alcohol induced slumber. But once she heard it, a soft snore, that wasn't her own, she felt the urgency to wake up. She met him and the bedroom in confusion. Amanda laid there as still as she could, not sure if this was a dream or not. But before she completed swimming upward through the murky vestiges of sleep into full on wakefulness, she watched him as he slept on his back. His breathing was deep and peaceful.

Her eyes followed his chiseled features, making their way down his lean muscular arms and chest, stopping where the comforter rested just below his navel. "Not bad," she thought, and smiled to herself. But once she breached the surface, meeting the light of day, when the reality sunk in that this was not a dream, and that she had no idea who he was, Amanda's concerns erased the smile right off her face, and any admiration she felt for him. Whatever sexiness she started to entertain evaporated, as her entire nude body stiffened and shivered with a cold dread, in spite of the warm comforter covering her.

Her only recollection were little clips from a New Year's Eve party she attended the night before. At least that was the hope. Amanda turned her body slowly and landed on her back, while keeping her head locked on his face, hoping he wouldn't wake up, and devise a plan if he did. She studied him for a few more seconds. Satisfied that he was still asleep, she turned her head, stared up at the ceiling, and summoned her still sleeping alters. She needed to figure out which one of her personalities, if not all of them were part of this. "WAKE UP!" Her voice shouted inside of herself. She took a deep breath, her exhale was loud and whispery. The man stirred and shifted his position. Amanda froze, and waited. Moments later she was relieved, when she heard him snore softly, and settle down on his back. Once again she tried to awaken her alters.

"GET UP!" No response came from anyone.


"Okay!" Desirea/Des replied, still sleepy and annoyed.

"WHAT?! Cried CC.

"Don't go all agro, it's all good!" Gina replied with a condescending tone.


"You're not going to get anywhere by yelling at us!" Besides all that, you could wake him up with all your hollering!" Des protested.

Amanda couldn't believe what she just heard Des say.

"And how would that happen? Being that this whole argument is going on inside my head?!

"Oh, yeah? Why don't you check out of your head, and check in with your body! I'll wait!"

There was some truth to what Des said. Amanda's body grew stiff with agitation, her eyes were squeezed shut, her heart was beating wildly, and her breath was shallow. She was panting. And if she went on in this way, she would have a panic attack. Amanda took a few deep breaths, held them and exhaled silently, slowly calming herself. She had to pull herself together, because she needed them now. She needed to know where she was, who he was, and what day it was.

"Okay. First off, what day is this?" Amanda asked once she regained her composure.

"It's New Year's day," Des answered.

"Oh, thank God!" She thought with some relief.

"Okay, who's this guy?"

"That's Ryan, Oh My God, isn't he FINE? He was FIRE last night!" Gina gushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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