Chapter 1

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"Mi-cha!! Mi-cha!!" Areum raced over to Mi-cha calling her name excitedly "Yes?" Asked Mi-cha, staring at Areum as she caught her breath.
  Areum took a moment to catch her breath then spoke excitedly "Did you hear what happened at the last Gemz concert?" Without giving Mi-cha a chance to reply Areum continued "They had a surprise Meet-n-greet!" Areum paused for a moment "I wish I had been there, because then I would have gotten to meet Yeon-gi, the greatest idol to ever debut" Areum stared at the floor and pouted.
  Mi-cha rolled her eyes then patted Areum on the head "It's okay" said Mi-cha before pulling out two V.I.P tickets to a Gemz concert.
  Areum glanced at the tickets and her expression changed from sad to overjoyed in a matter of seconds "could one of those possibly be for me?" Asked Areum trying her best to be cute, Mi-cha smiled at her then replied "Of course one is for you, who else would I give it to? My boyfriend nobody?" Areum grinned "have I ever told you that you are my best friend in the entire world?" Asked Areum " I know I Know, Im the best" replied Mi-cha, striking a pose jokingly.
  After several hours of classes school finally let out and Mi-cha grabbed her belongings and began stuffing them into her bag, she really disliked the thought of homework, she would much rather spend her time reading and listening to music.
  Alas, she still had to go home and do her homework or else she would get bad grades and she disliked that more than the homework itself.
  Mi-cha was on her way home from the dreaded place called school when she heard the cry of an injured cat, she looked around trying to determine where the cries were coming from.
  It took a bit but she was able to follow the cats cries to an alleyway beside an entertainment center, Mi-cha didn't see the cat right away so she had to venture a bit deeper into the alley.
  Mi-cha was able to find the cat but it certainly didn't look comfortable one of its front paws were stuck in mouse trap not only that but it's paw also seemed to have gotten cut on some nearby glass.
  She slowly walked over to the cat and crouched by it "hey there little guy, I wont hurt you." she said softly hoping to not get scratched by the cat as she reached out to help the cat.
  The cat didn't seem to mind her and stared at her in curiosity and relief, she petted the cat to calm it down a bit before trying to get the mouse trap off of it's paw.
  Mi-cha gently picked up the trapped paw and the cat mewed like it hurt "Im sorry, it must hurt alot" she said as if the cat could understand her.
  She was able to pull the mouse trap off of the cats paw but not without the cat mewing in pain, but to her amazement she didn't get scratched.
  She picked up the cat and gently petted it "Its okay now kitty, I'll take you home and get you all fixed up" she said with a smile.
  Mi-cha's home wasn't very far from the entertainment center so she didnt have to walk for very long before arriving at her house.
  "Im home" called Mi-cha as she entered the house, her mom came out of the bathroom, trying to put her hair up in a messy bun "Okay, well I have to work nightshift at the hospital tonight so I wont be able to cook you dinner so just order takeout or something" she said, walking over to Mi-cha "Okay mom" replied Mi-cha.
  "Mi-cha" she paused for a moment "did you find another injured stray animal?" Asked her mom "no, this one has a collar so it must have an owner, right?" she replied, looking at the collar "well, not necessarily it's owner could have abandoned it." Said her mom with a sigh "even so, we should be positive and hope that it does, so that after we fix up its injuries we can bring it back to its owner." Said Mi-cha with a big grin "Okay honey, I need to finish getting ready for work, the first aid kit is in the drawer by the sink." Said her mom "Thanks mom!" Replied Mi-cha before carrying the cat into the kitchen.
  Mi-cha gently set the cat down on the island in the kitchen and went over to the sink to get the first aid kit out of the drawer.
"Okay kitty, time to fix up your injured paw!" She said excitedly, the cat just looked up at her without making a sound.
  She set the first aid kit down next to the cat and began searching through it to find everything she needed to clean up the cut on his paw.
  Mi-cha pulled out a Q-tip and got it wet then began gently cleaning the cut on the cats paw, after it was cleaned she grabbed some bandages and wrapped the cats paw up with them "All done!" she said patting the cat on the head before throwing away the used Q-tip then putting everything else away.
  She picked up the cat and read the name on its collar "Jae, is that your name?" She asked as if the cat would reply, but unfortunately she didn't get a response.
  She carried the cat up to her room and set the cat down on her bed "Now you stay here while I call the lost pet agency to see if anyone has called about you." she said before picking up her phone and dialing the number for the lost pet agency.
  The phone didnt ring for long before someone answered "Hello, has anyone called about a dirty blonde cat with a black bell collar?" Mi-cha asked "What is its name?" Asked the person at the agency "Oh, its name is Jae" she replied quickly "Sorry miss, nobody has called about a cat that fits your description, but if anyone does we'll give them your contact info." said the person at the agency "Oh, okay thanks" replied Mi-cha before hanging up.
  "Well kitty, your owner hasn't called for you just yet but maybe they will call tomorrow" she said, petting the cat "Anyways, I have homework to do so can you be a good kitty and not disturb me please?" She asked, not expecting a reply but the cat mewed as if it was answering her "Im just going to take that as an okay" she said before going over to her desk to do homework.
  Mi-cha pulled her homework out of her bag and gently placed it on the table "Okay Mi-cha time to do homework, so don't get distracted!" She said to herself before doing her homework.
By the time Mi-cha had finished her homework it was dark outside, so she decided to just eat leftovers instead of ordering takeout.
  Mi-cha went into the kitchen and pulled some leftovers out of the fridge and put them in a pan and reheated them on the stove.
  "Mmm, those were some good leftovers" she said to herself then headed back to her room to get ready for bed.
  She walked into the room and the cat just watched her until she started to change for bed then it quickly turned away from her "Did it just turn away from me?" She asked herself quietly then finished getting changed.
  She climbed up onto the bed and laid down to go to sleep, but before she had the chance to fall asleep her phone rang.
  Mi-cha sat up and quickly answered the phone "Hello?" She said "Hello, are you the one who has Jae?" Asked a guy over the phone, from the sound of his voice he seemed to be about twenty or so "Th.. the cat?" She stammered a bit "Yes, the cat" replied the guy over the phone "Yeah I have it" she replied, looking over at the cat.
  "If you have time tommorrow, could you bring him over to Monarch Entertainment? I'll pick him up from there" said the guy "S..sure, but it will have to be at about four or four thirty" replied Mi-cha "Yes, we can do that" said the guy "Okay, see you tomorrow then" said Mi-cha before hanging up.
  "That was your owner!" She said excitedly to the cat "I'll bring you to him tomorrow as soon as I get out of school" she said with a big grin before laying back down to sleep.
  The next morning Mi-cha got up kind of late so she was rushing around everywhere trying to get ready for school while the cat just watched in amusement.
  "Okay kitty, im going to school now but I'll come back to get you afterwards" she said, patting the cat on the head then rushing out the door.
  Areum was outside waiting for Mi-cha "Hey Areum!" She said running up to her "Hey Mi-cha!" replied Areum "Would you like to go to Monarch Entertainment with me after school today?" Asked Mi-cha as they started heading to school "Sure, but why are you going there?" Asked Areum, giving Mi-cha a confused look "Well I have an errand to run." replied Mi-cha "Mhmm, what kind of errand do you have to run at the birth place of my all time favorite idol group?" Asked Areum suspiciously "You'll see." replied Mi-cha with a smile "Okay then." said Areum, staring at Mi-cha suspicously "Oh we're here." said Mi-cha as they walked into the schoolyard "Okay, I'll see you after class then." said Areum before she hurried away to get to class on time.
  After a few hours of classes it was finally lunch time, Mi-cha sat at her desk and pulled her lunch box out of her bag when Areum rushed in "Hey Micha!" Said Areum excitedly "Hey Areum." Replied Mi-cha, getting ready to eat "Hey! Don't tell me you planned on eating lunch without me!" Exclaimed Areum with a pouty face "If you had come any later I would have." replied Mi-cha, Areum stared at her for a moment "Fair enough." she said before getting her food to eat with Mi-cha.
After lunch they had a few more classes to finish before they could leave for the day.
  Mi-cha sat in the classroom watching the teacher write on the board and taking notes when he said something that sounded important, she looked over at the classroom clock anxiously, but got excited when she realized it was almost time to leave.
  Mi-cha would look at the clock every ten minutes just about until the bell rang "Yes! Freedom!" She said to herself excitedly before putting away her belongings.
  Mi-cha was on her way to the front gate when Areum rushed out to her "Okay Mi-cha, lets go to Monarch Entertainment!" Said Areum excitedly "Okay okay, but we have to go by my house real quick so that I can get the errand that I need to run." Replied Mi-cha before they headed over to her house.
  It didn't take long to get to Mi-cha's house from the school seeing as it was just in walking distance.
  When they got there Mi-cha ran inside and grabbed the cat then quickly went back outside where Areum was waiting for her "This is the errand I have to run" said Mi-cha as she started heading towards Monarch Entertainment "A cat?" Asked Areum, staring at the cat and following Mi-cha "Yup, I found it in the alleyway behind the building and the owner called about it and asked to meet there" replied Mi-cha "From the looks of it this cat must belong to a Gemz fan." Areum paused a moment to read the name on the collar "They even named it after the leader." she said with a snicker.
  "We are here" said Mi-cha, walking inside "Oh wow, this place is huge!" said Areum as she followed closely behind Mi-cha.
  Areum and Mi-cha looked around In awe for a bit before being approached by a very tall and attractive man "I am Park Kyong, Jae's manager and that is his cat so Im here to retreive it" said the man, shaking Mi-cha and Areum's hands "Oh, Im Kang Mi-cha and this is Kim Areum. "Replied Mi-cha "So you are Jae's manager and this is his cat?" Asked Areum excitedly "More or less." replied Kyong, holding out his hands to get the cat.
  "Can you tell Jae something for me?" Asked Mi-chu before giving Kyong the cat "That depends, what is your request? Asked Kyong "Can you tell him... to take better care of his cat? I Found the poor guy in the alley with his paw stuck in a mouse trap!" she asked with a stern look on her face.
  Kyong chuckled a bit and the cats ears perked up "Sure, I can do that" He said with a smirk "Yay! Thanks alot Mr. Park" replied Mi-cha with a big smile.
  "Mr. Park you have a call!" said a lady standing behind a desk a few feet away "Okay I'll be right there." he said to the lady "I have to take this call." he said dipping his head "You ladies have a nice day." he said before walking off "B..bye Mr. Park" said Mi-cha and Areum at the same time.
  Mi-cha and Areum looked at eachother then walked out of the building "Who knew that Jae's manager would be so hot." Said Areum "I knew he had a nice voice over the phone but I didnt expect him to be this good looking in person." replied Mi-cha, checking her watch "I think I should head home so I'll see you later Areum" said Mi-cha before heading home "Okay, I need to go to the store anyways so see you later." Replied Areum as she headed in the direction of town.

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