Another Day at the Office

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I looked to my right and smiled at Loki, my desk mate. Thor was to my left and smiled as his way toward me. The god of thunder briefly gave up his hammer to work a desk god to stay with jane, sadly she broke up with him a few weeks ago. Loki was here as punishment for what he did in New York, He doesn't mind working here as far as I know. The only person who knew about them was me. 

We chat though our computer in emails. I only know who they truly are because i worked in New York when the attacked started. I was work for tony stark as a desk jockey and drink carrier. Nat and pepper were always very nice to me and try to help me out when they could. Nat saw a fire in my eyes as I defined myself from one of the aliens and took a few down. 

Back to why Loki was next to me. I work at a call center for waste company. I try to sell dumpsters and fail most of the time. Loki gets a lot of sells as does Thor. I think is their voice, they tell me everyday that I will get a big sell one day. Loki works as a punishment from his father say along the line of " learn what the Midgardian go though to live." 

I suddenly feel the earth shake. everyone else was freaking out. I sighed and walk to the back door.  There stood an old man whom I have read from old stories and the emails Thor sent me.

"All father Odin" I bow then looked him in the eye. "Which one do you need or want?" I started plainly knowing fully what he could do. 

"Neither the one I need is standing right in front of me" I looked around me hoping he was not talking about me. Of course I was the only one around. 

"Why me?" I said more a question to my-self then to him

"You have a hold of one of my sons heart. So I wished to meet you and see whom my sons always talked about." Odin slowly walked towards me holding out one of his hands out for me to shake. But before I could take his hand both Loki and Thor were by my sides holding my shoulders.

"My sons" Odin said 

"Father" Thor and Loki said Thor more in a playful tone, Loki plainly 

Suddenly I passed out. I am guessing the shock of meet Odin finally caught up to me. I felt arms arms around me, I couldn't figure out whom they belong to. As I woke up I was home Loki on my right with a cup of earl grey , Thor was to my left with a box of pop-trats eating them. I always brought pop-trats to work for him. Loki hands me the cup of earl grey " more sugar then tea just the way you like it."

" thank you Loki" I got startled as Thor jump up. The Blu my cat nuggets new kitten jumps up to the bed .

"Loki Is this your doing?" Thor said trying to pat Blu.

" No nugget had kittens this is the last one left" I said as Blu rubbed against my arm. Tony from of the end of the bed spoke up.

"Hey angel how you doing? " I jumped up and hugged him.

"Still a hugger I see. But I do need the boys and you need rest" tony lightly hugged me back and let me go

Thor walked up and hugged me as he let go I turned towards Loki 

" may I hug you Loki?"

"yes you may Airsa."

I hugged Loki tight and whisper " Please do safe" I let the cold washed over me.

"Airsa I need to go"

"Yes you do" I let him go.

As they leave I call nat. 

"Hey Sis am I needed today?"

" Yes I will pick you up right now"

His Little Blu KittenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora