Episode Two: Part Five

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On the rooftop, Centurion slowly made his way towards Deathstare, his shield straining from the giant laser. Deathstare was still combining many lasers from the eyes on the front of his body and was straining to keep the armored superhero back. Centurion got closer and closer, pulling out a stun stick from his belt, sparks snapping at the end as he tested it. He'd get close and knock Deathstare out with a nasty shock. Centurion grinned at the thought.

But when Centurion got close, Deathstar reached around the shield and aimed the eye on his palm. The blast hit Centurion's shield arm, knocking the shield out of the way and letting the eyes on Deathstare's chest blast Centurion away.

The glowing, armored superhero was thrown back, flying over the roof and falling.

Deathstare, closing the eyes on his body, cracked his fingers and looked at the roof where Centurion had fallen.

"Yep," he said. "Still got it."

Then he whistled as he walked away.

Meanwhile, as Centurion fell, an alarm in his suit warned him that the antigravity device in his chest was damaged. Centurion gave an exasperated sigh. His power would strengthen the armor and protect him, but this was still really annoying.

Centurion landed on his back, shattering the sidewalk and kicking up dust as he did. Civilians had evacuated the area already, and Centurion was glad no one was around to see this embarrassment.

"Centurion," came the E.H.O.D. agent's voice through the radio in Centurion's suit. "That new speedster girl got away with whatever these people were after, and SteelStar is currently fighting Draego. Forget about Deathstare for a moment and go after him."

Centurion gave another exasperated sigh and responded irritably, "Fine. Whatever you say."

The armored superhero stood up and tried using the mental link that controlled his antigravity device, but nothing happened. He jumped up a few times, trying to make it work, but gravity stubbornly refused to stop working.

Then he remembered that the antigravity device in his suit was broken, and he gave another exasperated sigh. He couldn't exactly commandeer a car or a motorcycle, not with this suit weighing him down. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Centurion brought up his smartwatch to plan his route and then ran off. Running on the sidewalk, his armored feet clanged with each step.

"Fine, fine," he muttered irritably. "That's just dandy. I have to run in his heavy armor miles to catch people who can fly. That's just great. Stupid, stinking piece of alien..."

He continued muttering angrily the whole time.


SteelStar and Draego threw fire and lightning at each other, swerving away to avoid each other's attacks. Draego wouldn't get close as SteelStar could run lightning through his metal skin, even as it remained red hot. They flew around each other, fireballs exploding near SteelStar and Draego weaving around lightning bolts.

Even though SteelStar's lightning was instant, Draego somehow dodged it easily. Meanwhile, the explosive fireballs got quite close to SteelStar, exploding inches away from him. SteelStar could barely keep up, and one of the fireballs exploded right in the face, sending him spinning as he fell.

Correcting himself and rubbing his red hot, sore face, SteelStar took a moment to consider his options. While his metal was red hot, his durability was compromised. However, Draego would have difficulty hurting him if he could cool down. SteelStar knew he'd have to avoid that superhot blue fire, but he'd cross that bridge when he came to it.

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