Episode Three, A Natural Solution: Part One

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On the TV show 'Mornings with Maddie,' the host, whose full name was Madeline Gorges, sat down to interview a superhero. Maddie herself was a middle aged woman with curly brown hair and a big smile that showed off her pearly white teeth.

Behind the stage, a superhero waited for her announcement. She mentally prepared herself to make the right face. She had to look confident, but likeable, beautiful, but not smug about it. She'd practiced what face to make in the mirror for almost an hour. This sort of thing could make or break the public's perception of you, and this superhero was determined to get it right.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," said Maddie, sitting in a comfortable red chair. "Allow me to introduce the beautiful...the powerful...the wonderful Demigoddess!"

Showtime, thought the hero.

The superhero known as Demigoddess sauntered onto the stage. She wore a red and white leotard, a red mask over her eyes, and a diamond tiara on her head. She Normally wore her black hair in a bun when on duty. However, she let her silky locks spill over her shoulders for public appearances like this. Just as she'd practiced, Demigoddess put on her face, a big, bright, beautiful smile aimed right at the audience. Judging by the cheers, she'd struck just the right expression.

"Welcome, Demigoddess," said Maddie. "It's great to have you here. You're looking lovely as always."

Demigoddess sat down and shook Maddie's hand, "Thanks, Maddie. It's nice to have a host with good taste for a change."

Maddie and the audience laughed as Demigoddess smiled at everyone.

"But really," said Maddie. "It's such an honor to interview a true hero. You're an inspiration to us all."

"Oh, stop it," said Demigoddess modestly.


Three Days Ago

The corporate headquarters of the Sonnelicht corporation showed an angular building with its name and company logo, a sun over mountains, illuminated near the top. At the top floor of this building, Miriam Harris, the alter ego of superhero Demigoddess, strode to the CEO's office wearing a simple blouse and skirt, her hair tied up in a ponytail. As she walked, she talked on her cell phone, her tone furious.

"What do you mean the caviar shipment is delayed?! I've been planning this gala for months now! What do you expect me to do, dive into the ocean and gather fish eggs with my hands?! No, I don't want to hear excuses! We need caviar by next week, and I expect it to be there!"

She angrily hung up the phone, "Idiot."

Hopefully, this meeting with her boss would go more smoothly.

When she entered the office, Miriam saw her boss, Henry Anderson, a middle aged man with whisps of grey hair at the sides of his face and a stern expression. The CEO Henry looked up and said, "Miriam, you have a problem."

Miriam frowned as she took a seat, "I have a problem? Well, it's a good thing my problems are your problems."

"Typically, yes," said Henry. "But not this time. You messed up."

Miriam's mouth dropped in shock and anger, "Me? What are you talking about?"

"You caused a lot of damage at a construction site."

Miriam's eye twitched, "I told you, that wasn't me, it was..."

"We have footage," said Henry, turning his computer around.

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