Chapter 16

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Rose was lying on her bed. Today was absolutely crazy, and her head was spinning from the day's events. She then decided to take out her diary out and started scribbling away. 

Today's Events:

- Adentra took us to the Ministry
- Scorpius smashed the prophecy he was supposed to give to Adentra
- Veronica helped Albus

- Magdi is the leader of the Death Eaters (now known as the Dark Princesses/Princes/Royals?)

- Uncle Harry died today and came back to life in this weird angelic form
- Those closest to Uncle Harry came back to life

Rose sighed and read through what she had written. All of a sudden, a memory and realization hit her like a ton of bricks. 

Rose remembered when her dad told her about the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Either Harry or Voldemort had to fetch the prophecy about Harry's fate since the people it concerned were both of them. Delvinus Burke had said that she was destined for "something great", and so were Al and Scorp. If she wasn't mistaken, Adentra had asked for Scorpius to fetch that prophecy...

But Scorpius had smashed it. Rose felt a pang of disappointment as she realized that she would never know the contents of the prophecy, but now, the other side wouldn't either. Or would they...?

Another thing that was bothering Rose was that they didn't know who the "Great Mistress" was. It had to be someone manipulating to get through Magdi like that, but none of the Death Eaters (Death Eaters are what Voldemort's inner circle will be referred to) would have been able to scheme so well and transform Magdi into a Dark witch. Except one...

Bellatrix Lestrange.

It all fit together. 

When Rose went to the party during the summer, before Harry was hospitalised, they had all been warned by "Bellatrix" that she would return and that the Wizarding World would be under the reign of her clan. She, along with the other two who were linked to the prophecy, had had  strange dream with Bellatrix in it. But Bellatrix was dead...

That was where Rose's brilliant theory fell into pieces. Bellatrix Lestrange née Black had died on May 2nd, 1998 and was killed at the hands of Molly Weasley I. 

She then remembered Harry. How did Harry come back to life, especially in the weird ethereal form? And, and how did so many people get resurrected?

Head aching, Rose fell into a fitful sleep. 

"What's wrong, Rosie?" Scorpius asked gently. It was the morning after the crazy night and Rose looked as if she hadn't slept for days.

"Nothing," whispered Rose, but Scorpius scoffed disbelievingly. 

"Then why are you biting your nails? You do that when you aren't telling the truth."

Rose gaped. 

"Fine," she sighed. "It's just... I have this really crazy idea..."

So, she went on to explain her wild theory about Bellatrix and the prophecy. At the end of it, Albus and Scorpius's mouths were wide open. 

"I- okay, that's just crazy," Albus muttered.

"Not really," said Scorpius. "The only part that doesn't make sense is the part about Bellatrix being alive, which is a pretty big theory. We have to figure that- hey!" Scorpius had been bitten by an owl that was trying to get his attention and started sucking on the cut. He opened the Daily Prophet envelope after paying the owl.

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