in which wooyoung loves when you travel with him

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You didn't expect your boyfriend to invite you when he told you he'll be traveling to Los Angeles with the whole group due to his work. Sure you traveled with them before but never ever overseas before, just here within the country, when they held a concert or filmed some content. It was quite out of the blue, but you can never say no to Wooyoung, you loved spending time with him whatever it was.

And now here you are early in the morning waiting for the boys in the airport alone. You couldn't come with them, it's better for the whole craziness that's out there to calm down before you meet up with them later, you're anxiety could never bare the shouting and camera flashing that's outside when the boys step out of their cars. You've always admired your boyfriend for how he deals with these situations, you can't imagine how can he stay so calm. It's just part of his life now.

It's crazy how different your lifestyles are, but at the same time, it's so similar. Yeah, I know, it doesn't make any sense, but it's basically your whole relationship with Wooyoung, nothing makes sense, but it's perfectly fine like this, sometimes it doesn't have to make sense, only your love for each other is important, it's just so real and so strong. You'll gonna figure out everything together, that's how you grow together and also grow your relationship.

You love to accompany your boyfriend when he works, just to see how happy he gets during it, how passionate he is when he stands on stage and does what he truly loves. The sparks in his eyes when he looks at atiny are just like the stars in the night sky.

"Good morning my little zombie" there he is, the love of your life. "Is this the walking dead or am I still dreaming?" like you didn't know how bad you look in the morning, especially at this early hour.

"Really funny, Wooyoung..." you said as you rolled your eyes, yeah maybe just maybe you're a bit grumpy in the morning, who doesn't, but as per usual Wooyoung always knows what to say, when he sees that you are not really in the mood for his jokes. He just knows you more than anyone, even your own self, it's a bit scary.

"Don't worry babe, you're the most beautiful zombie I've ever seen" he said as he placed a welcome kiss on you're lips.

"If you're not careful enough I might eat your brain" you like to go with his jokes, you are not the type of person who can't joke about herself or takes everything seriously. You don't really understand how can he always light your mood up, like boy calm down, a person shouldn't be this happy this early, you should be asleep right now.

"I'm glad you're here, I always loved working a little more when I know you're watching me, it's just a boost of energy for me" he told you as he held your hands to help you get up. "Come on, we should check in, the boys are waiting"


Only 30 minutes in the flight and you are already sleeping, you just need a plus hour of sleep, and you're gonna be okay, you need at least 9 hours of sleep to feel alive usually. But on the other hand, Wooyoung has been bored the whole time and we all know what happens when this boy doesn't have anything or anyone to entertain himself with, he gets more annoying than usual, and his mind comes up with the worst ideas ever.

That's why right now he is on the mission to wake you up somehow. Although Seonghwa across from you in the other row had noticed this and worriedly signaled Wooyoung not to do it because he knows how bad this can turn out. He is the sweetest guy, he wants the best for everyone. He can relate to your pain as he is most of the time the victim of your boyfriend's teasing.

But Woo is already caressing your thigh, you actually were pretty used to this already, so it didn't really bother you, it kinda relaxed you even more. But the problem started when he started kissing your cheeks, then your ears, then he moved even lower and reached your neck. Your eyes suddenly opened wide, you were confused about what was happening.

"Babe, what are you doing?" he just continued it even more roughly when he realized you were finally awake. "Wooyoung, stop it anyone can see us, we are on a good damn plane."

"But you are so beautiful, I want to kiss every part of you." he barely stopped kissing you between every word. You tried to push him off of you, it was the most painful thing ever, your heart was aching.

"Baby, I'm serious, you can kiss me whenever you want, but only when there are just the two of us." You weren't really a shy person at all, especially you were pretty open about your love for Wooyoung, everybody who knew about your relationship knew how touchy you guys can get with each other, but you preferred to do this stuffs behind closed doors, because it's an intimate moment, and it's nobody else's business.

"I'll stop it, but meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes." He stared deadly in your eyes as he bit his lips. "And don't even try to hang me there."

And with that, he stood up and went straight to the bathroom. You knew you were in trouble, in big trouble. To be honest you didn't even want to say no to him in the first place. So you waited a little bit, just to not be so obvious, and went after your boyfriend. It's a pretty long flight nobody's gonna notice that you guys weren't there.

As you arrived there, you took a big breath, you didn't even know why you are nervous. You knocked on the door and it immediately flung open. You didn't even have time to process what happens when he dragged you into the small area.

Yeah, at least you killed time and nobody was bored anymore.

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