Chapter Seven

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I'm pressed up against the wall, the stench of beer breath surrounding me as I just try not to piss him off enough to get hit. I don't even know what he's yelling about, and that confusion breaks the dream cycle. I sit straight up in bed, sucking in a loud breath. Looking around, I remind myself I'm not there. I'm at Hael's place. He can't touch me anymore. Glancing at the clock I groan. It's five thirty in the morning and I'm wide awake. I roll out of bed and use the bathroom and then unlock the stairs and head down, making sure to lock the door again behind me.

I get a glass of water then turn on one of the softer lamps behind the couch and grab a book from the shelf. I don't even care what it is, but I'm hoping I can read myself to sleep on the couch. Curling up with the throw blanket, I do my best to try to sleep.

I wake up later on my stomach on the couch with loud people and the smell of food. Cringing, I roll and face the back of the couch. Why the hell am I on the couch? That gets me up and I see the guys in the kitchen with bags of tacos open on the island. I trudge up to use the bathroom and change before coming down for food.

"Who keeps getting tacos?" I yawn and refill my water glass.

"Mom," Hael says. "It's a weekend thing, and apparently a new roomie thing. We're going into the city for the thrift stores, so eat plenty because Jai shops like a girl and you don't want to starve before lunch."

Bob and Jace came down the stairs and Jace muttered something about not licking anybody just before Bob hugs me from behind and buries his face in my neck. "You smell like the couch."

"She slept on the couch," Hael says around a mouthful.


"Nightmares," I pat Bob's arm. "It's why I didn't think it was a good idea to share a bed last night."

"Oh, God," Bob groans and lets me go in favor of food. "Did I ask you that last night?"

"Yes," I giggle. "And since I don't remember a whole lot about the Children of the Corn thing, I think this makes us even." I waited for Jace to get food and start eating before asking, "So the quiver sleeps together?"

I got two of them to choke, but Bob just laughed. He was getting used to my awkward questions. Jace recovered first and answered, "We're not a full quiver, and none of us other than Hael have ever seen a healthy one function. You noticed how the scent gets stronger right before and after we shift? It can help trigger the first shift sometimes. So me and Hael usually shift together and then all four of us sleep together. Emphasis on the sleep, there."

"I don't think you can join us for that," Hael said. When I raise my eyebrows at him, he actually blushes. "For us it just helps ease the first shift. For you, it could trigger your first heat. No co-ed sleepovers."

I groaned, "I still need to read all the stuff they gave me at the doctor."

"I asked Mrs. C," Jace finished his food and put his plate in the sink. "If you start eating your own weight, we'll kick you out to the main house. That's supposed to be the biggest warning sign and it's supposed to be pretty universal."

"And then what happens? I turn into a toad?"

"No, you turn into a typical hormonal teenage girl and make everybody around you grumpy," he smiles.

"Can we stop talking about heat?" Hael groans.

Jace laughs, "I was wondering when you were going to start complaining."

Jai comes down, dressed and primped and I think he's been in the shower this whole time. He stops behind me and leans his head against mine, then snorts, "Why did you sleep on the couch?"

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