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Pov:with Sebastian and Darren

Darren: ??
Sebastian: Are y'all a thing now or something!?
Darren: look seb we're not a thing and I get it you like Ryan..
Sebastian: No idiot I like you
Darren: ..
Sebastian: and Ryan..
Darren: !? WHAT!?
Sebastian: I can do that it's not like You like me anyway
Darren: I Do Your Making Me Take Those Feelings.. away
Sebastian: Wait so you like me!?
Darren: What's the point

Darren says while walking away feeling a little bit of anger. Wait Sebastian says stoping Darren, I like you more than I like Ryan.. you were the first one I liked really and.. I thought you didn't feel the same so I gained feelings for Ryan.. Sebastian says feeling sorry but with his heart racing. I don't know if I should believe you or not..Darren says feeling unsure but his heart also racing (in a good way)  I can prove it to you if you want Sebastian says thinking of a way how while Darren gives him a flirty look. Dude not that way.. Weren't you just upset a few seconds ago Sebastian says while blushing a lot. Oh? Are you blushing? Darren asks with a pervert smirk while pushing Sebastian to a wall and smashing his lips on sebs as Sebastian resists and kisses back. Darren asks for permission to French kiss him and Sebastian says yes--

Time skip to when they finish the kiss---- Darren picks up seb and you can imagine what they do after it 👍

Hope you enjoyed page 8 It was rushed a little so I'm sorry if it's bad but yeah that's all. Bye beautiful/handsome.

Nsb And You/With A Few ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora