The Plushening

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The next day, Clay POV

We were looking around for Jamey. He had gone missing. Then, I found something laying on the ground.

Me: H-Hey guys. I-I found Jamey.

Sonica: What happened to him?

Me: He's been turned into a...MARKETABLE PLUSHIE!!

Everyone: WHAT?!

Sonica: I feel...weird. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

She turns into a marketable plushie.

Me: NANI?!

Then I saw Butter(Male Cream).

Butter: Mr. Clay? I-I don't feel so good.

Me: Oh, no! We are not doing a parody of Spidey's death in Infinity War!

Butter: ...ok...

He turns into a marketable plushie.


We all ran away from the scene. I swear I could see someone familiar in the shadows. An unwelcome face.

Me: Hey Shadina?

Shadina: Yeah, little bro?

Me: Remember Plusher? The guy who always was turning everyone into plushes?

Shadina: *Gasps* You don't mean...

Me: 'Fraid so. I think Plusher's back there. He's back to finish the job.

Everyone but me and Shadina: WHAT?!

Me: While we were running from the GUN soldiers, he tried to turn us into plushes. He failed, but it was a close call. My guess is, GUN recruited him to track us down because we're "volatile super weapons"

Tailsko POV

Wow. He's cute, and he's powerful?! He's amazing! But, I have to look out for Shadina. She hates Sonica, and by extension, me. If I hook up with her little brother, she's gonna kill me. But, if she cares about Clay's feelings, and he says yes, she should be fine with it, and I'll get my crush. Well, no time's like the present!

Me: H-Hey Clay? C-Can I ask you something?

Clay: Sure. What do you wanna ask?

Me: D-Do you w-wanna go o-out with m-me?

Clay: *Blushes* U-Uh, s-s-sure.

Me: HE SAID YES!!!!!!

Everyone but Shadina: YES!!!

Shadina: WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!!

She runs up to me.

Shadina: How dare you decide to ask out my brother?! I mean, sure, he's cute, but still!

Clay: Chill, big sis! I'm ok with it.

Knuxie: I ship it!

Plusher: *Appears with some GUN soldiers* I found you guys.

GUN soldier: Hand up! You're surrounded!

Clay: NEVER!!!!!

GUN soldier: Maybe this will convince you!

He grabs me and puts a gun to my head.

Me: H-Hey! Let go of me!

Clay: NO, TAILSKO!!!!!

He shoots all the GUN soldiers in the kneecaps and Plusher in the head.

Clay: Are you ok?

Me: I-I think so.

We run to my place.

Me: H-Hey Clay? C-Can you stay here tonight?

Clay: Sure! But, where will I sleep?

Me: You could sleep with me.

Clay: Ok!

We crawl into my bed and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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