Message From The Author and Leads

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Hello everyone! As the author, MaharlikangLikha, I am thrilled to announce that I have almost completed the book... including the Special Part and Lost Chapter! I appreciate you all for still following my work.

I don't have any plans to create a sequel for this story, so please don't ask. Unfortunately, I lack the inspiration to create a follow-up.

A big thank you to the Starmen Kids (ST*M) fan who suggested this genre. I appreciate your advice and glad that so many of our fans enjoyed this book.

Lastly, I'd like to share some life quotes and messages from our main leads and supporting characters, including Kairi, Ali, and more. These are valuable words to keep in mind as you navigate through your own journey. I hope you'll find them insightful and motivating!

Kairi Jyo; Living life is too precious. Show love and appreciation to those who matter to you now, before it's too late. As we do not have a time machine to travel back to past moments, we should make the most of what we have.

"I'm a time oriented person. Once I give you my time, you become a part of me forever."

Mitsuki Kurokawa; Kairi reminded me that life is too important to waste on just love. I agree and understand that love has its own time, it doesn't need to be rushed. In the end, life is yours to live, so don't forget to live it for yourself first.

"Life is like a clock, and clock has its time, don't rush something good if the time's not right."

Ali Shimizu; What you give to others is what you get back. I think I am a better person for helping without expecting anything in return. That being said, I must remind you of the importance of not wasting your youth. Life is a journey, so live it fully while you can.

"Never forget that time is precious, and we only have so much of it. Love can wait, but time that is wasted cannot be restored."

Yugo Takarabe; I never believed in love the way she made me believe. Each person has their own unique qualities and personality traits, and only when you pay attention can you truly see it.

"Love cannot be rushed or forced. It is a thing that will make you wait no matter how long it takes."

Nagasaki Taisei; I want to express my deep gratitude to her, for her smiles, laughs, and amazing personality. She had her flaws, but she will remain the most perfect woman in my heart. We cannot change the outcome, but know that I will always love her.

"As Kairi mentioned, never forget to pay attention to those who love and value you. They are the ones who matter, not those who neglect your presence."

Kairi; See you in the afterlife, my special someone. The memories we shared will always be with me. Though we are separated in this life, we will meet again when the time is right. Until then, I will treasure the moments we shared. My love for you has and will always be unconditional, and I hope you know that. So, farewell, my sweet angel. I will see you in the afterlife.



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