Chapter 27

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No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't go back to sleep. At least not without seeing the nightmare I just had when I closed my eyes. Draco fell asleep long before I was able to. At least I thought he did. At some points during the night he would move or do something that made me think that he was awake. It wasn't until three in the morning that I was actually able to fall asleep. Even then my sleep was restless. I would fall asleep for about twenty minutes then I would wake up again.

But, somehow, Draco woke up before me. When I woke up he explained where Parker and Pansy were and how he told Parker to tell the professors that Draco and I weren't feeling well today. Pansy apparently went to sleep with Theodore Nott and Parker went to George's dorm to give Draco and I privacy.

The whole day Draco and I cuddled and talked to each other. But we avoided any discussion of my nightmare. I don't have the guts to tell him what I dreamed of just yet.

Draco's hand rests on my hip, while I lean against him. Neither of us are talking but I don't mind the silence. It gives me a few moments to think over the words he said last night. He said I was his family, which is a good thing I suppose. Especially in the context of what I was rambling about last night. I hope it means that if it came down to it he would protect me too, not just his family. That sounds selfish. But I don't mind being selfish right now. It's one more thing I don't have to worry about.

Draco presses his lips to my forehead and a sigh escapes my mouth. I've been missing things like this. We haven't just cuddled like this in a while.

"I'm sorry about last night." I mumble. "I probably kept you up."

"You want to know something funny?"

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Tonight marks the first time we had ever cuddled together." I smile, but it quickly falls as I remember the events after it.

"Can we not have a repeat of last year?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Of course. I'm not going to put you through that again. I regret it every day." I nod my head but inside I smile. That's the first time he has ever admitted that he regretted the things that happened before we got together.

"Is that an apology I hear, Draco Malfoy?"

"I would never apologize to a half-blood."

"Sure." I laugh, then press my lips to his. His grip on my hip grows tighter the longer we kiss. His lips leave mine and travel down my jaw. He doesn't do anything more than kiss my neck, but in some way it feels like more. Like he wants to do more but he's holding back. And I want him to do more but I don't know what more is. I pull away from him, confused by what I'm feeling.

"Sorry." I say with a blush forming on my cheeks. Draco only smiles at me with a smile that meets his eyes.

"Did you like that?" He teases which makes me blush even more.

"I-" He kisses me, cutting me off. Before I can fully comprehend what he's doing, his tongue slips into my mouth. I nearly pulled away from surprise but I realize that this is something people do. I'm not sure why people do this but it feels alright. My head starts going fuzzy, like all the thoughts or doubts were leaving my mind. It felt nice.

But it was over too soon. Draco pulled away smiling and leaving me blushing.

"Asshole." I breathe out. I feel like Draco is planning something but I don't know what. Now that I think about it, it's weird that Draco went from not touching me to kissing my neck. What is he up to? Or is it because he's away from his parents now that he feels more comfortable touching me. If that's the case, I don't know why he's bothering to do that.

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