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Looking through the racks of shorts for Nox to wear for his first match. He said get him the ones that everyone wears but I don't know that . I don't want to bother him either because it was my idea to put him in boxing.

My hands fall on a red pair shorts ,checking the size 1X.


Purchasing the shorts I walk out the store,I start to head to Nox's house.

Entering the house with the key Nox gave me."Nox" I scream out.

Hearing footsteps and a door closing,I see Nox coming down the stairs with his shirt off. His body has to be a gift from God because it's perfect.

"Good Afternoon Beauty". Rolling my eyes at his stupid nick name. He's been calling me that since Freshmen year, at first I didn't mind but its been 3 years.I told him when he finds a girlfriend he has to stop calling me that. But Nox has flings not girlfriends.

"I find you some shorts go try them on" I say holding the bag to his face.

He takes the bag out my hands and heads up stairs , I follow him.

Sitting on Nox bed waiting for him to walk out the bathroom to show me the shorts. The bathroom door opens and Nox walks out. My eyes look down to his lower half and lord have mercy.

Nox dick is partially out. I close my eyes not wanting to look at him or his friend.

"Nox please put it away" I say.

He chuckles and I hear footsteps walking closer to me.

"Open your eyes" He says. I shake my head not wanting to see his manhood.I mean I seen it once but we was kids.

"Open your eyes Im not asking" Nox says. A shaking breathe escapes my mouth and I mentally prepare my self to open my eyes. I point my head upwards at the ceiling and open my eyes.

He grips my chin and pulls my head down, my eyes are greeted with Nox toned body. Looking up at him to meet his eyes. He stares at me with a smirk on his face, I smack his stomach. Causing that stupid smirk to fall off .

"All I wanted to see was the shorts not your dick print" I say with an annoyed tone.

"Sorry Lilith, I can't control it" Nox replies with a prideful tone.

"Oh please" I say while standing up. Nox looks down at me staring hard into my eyes.

Staring hard right back into his sliver ones. He's so beautiful he doesn't even see it, he thinks he's flawed. But he's not he's perfect.

"You blinked" Nox says with a smile on his face.

"No I didn't" I say. He's such a big baby when it comes to these games. He always wants to win.

"Yes you did, shut up" He says walking away from me. Laughing at his behavior because he knows he didn't win. He enters the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Walking towards Nox desk. Seeing photos of me and him mostly me, homework, his feelings notebook. My eyes stare at this one photo, Im smiling and Nox is kissing my cheek. We look like a couple.

Me and Nox a couple ? I mean we already act like one but no its not right. I mean it can be, my train of thought is cut off my Nox's voice. I look towards him and see him leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

"I said we look cute in that picture" Nox says walking towards me. I smile and nod my head.

We do look cute together. As friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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