1: Welcome Home

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"James watch where you're going". That was lily evens she's "hated" James since first year she's currently mad at him for bumping Snivellus while chasing me to the compartment we've sat in since our first trip here.

while they argue I guess I should catch you up to date, I'm Pandora Deltora, Glorified sectary of Hogwarts very own Marauders, a socialist utopia James co-founded with his mates in first year, I sat in their compartment because there were none left anywhere else and soon had Sirius not so subtly asking for advice on how to preform spells for mischief after I was placed in Ravenclaw.

that was three years ago and I wouldn't change a thing I may have gotten in trouble a lot because of them, not to mention the amount of fights I've needed to pull Remus from or joined Sirius in. but I gained  something worth more than all that, friends, people that I didn't need to scream to be heard around, kids with impulse control as bad as mine, a family I can goof off with at midnight, a band of Marauders if you will. Now you know that I think you can watch the story unfold instead of being told about it believe me or not there's a difference.

"Come on prongs your girlfriend can wait, peter keeps popping his head out of our compartment" before Lily could fire back at the two, they're off again twisting between students, giggling like mad men. just before the two could join their friends pandora bumped into the back of a shaggy haired boy "Sirius" James exclaimed happy to see his best mate.

"Sorry, just me"

the boy that turned to help Pandora up was not Padfoot but his brother Regulus Black. the short haired ginger didn't hesitate to pull him in to a hug after he got her up, the young Slytherin was stiff but patted her back "hello Deltora"

"Mr. Black" the two giggled at their antics, James pulled his friends brother into a side hug and told him that he was welcome in our compartment, but he declined saying he was needed with the other Slytherins. we said our goodbyes and went to leave but Regulus called them back giving the famous Black smirk, "I'll see you on the pitch potter and don't get my favorite red head in too much trouble with your shenanigans"

"No promises" was all James said be for we went to greet the rest of our friends.

entering the small box Sirius was standing on the chair, singing the theme the sorting hat normally sung at the start of the year with Peter, as Remus watched over his book. the grin that broke on everyone's faces as Pandora and James took their places was enough to feed a hundred dementors.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG" Sirius demanded as impatient as ever "we would have been faster, but James was Busy with Evens" Sirius gave a disappointed glance to prongs while shaking his head. "So, like normal" Peter added

" it wasn't just me" James stated with fake anger "your bother was flirting with little jinx over here." that nick name came in second year Sirius called pandora a 'cheeky sphinx' at one of the black houses 'pure blood' dinner parties and the brown eyed girl misheard, leaving her with a name that would not go away but somewhere around mid-summer she stopped minding it so much.

"Fraternizing with the enemy not to mention my brother, how could you" Sirius practically threw himself over Moony leaving him to deal with the 'sobbing' boy. "I'm a Ravenclaw I don't engage in your pitiful house quarrels" pandora stated nostalgically.

"Yes but" Remus interjected "you are a Marauder, which means our fights are yours and vice versa"

Pandora simply sat by the window glazing out with an eye roll to the boys and their bromance, thinking back to the first time she met the youngest of the black brothers, Regulus Articulus Black.

It was a week before going home on her second year Pandora was going for a stroll hoping to prolong her time here at Hogwarts. So she was going to draw the Squid that sits in the black lake she really isn't that bad just lonely, being as intelligential  as squids are she's always willing to pose, but this time was different there was the normal laughing of students, but this wasn't happy or the prank planning cackle of one Sirius Black. out of classic Ravenclaw curiosity the ginger took off following the odd sounds.

skipping up to the docks she saw the mesh of boys in green and black. Slytherins. she ran across the rotten wood as one of the boys went headfirst into the water just before pandora could see what was going on, but she did see one person she wouldn't mind going into the lake. Severus Snape a self-entitled wanker that made her life hell, he wasn't even a pure blood, and he had the nerve to say anyone else had dirty blood. "What's going on here boys" She called confidently putting them on edge. "None of your business Deltora" the git himself replied earning himself a hard glare "just teaching a first year to watch his tung".

His words almost didn't register a FIRST YEAR did he think this through at all the squid might drown him or the fact that the kid had full robes on, did he know if this guy could even swim.

"A first year, Severus even you can't be that dim-witted" pandora spat while pushing her way through the group of boys to the end of the dock, crouching looking for any sight of the boy, nothing. "He'll be fine ... I think" a tall guy tried to defend anxiously, the Ravenclaw told them to get a teacher as she took off her shoes diving in after him.

the water was dark but the sunspots highlighted his face letting her see him clearly, black locks floating in the water. she reached for his unconscious hand but missed grabbing his tie, using that pandora pulled him up so she could grasp his waist and slowly make her way to the surface.

Using all her strength pandora pushed the dark haired Slytherin on to the pier, floating there to regain some energy before getting up next to him.

the boy was getting the water expelled from his lungs by a young madam Pomfrey the doctor had started this year if pandora was correct. the boy drowsily looked around. he didn't remember much while being under water just that the person who grabbed him seemed to be on fire, he hoped they were in fact not on fire.

snapping out of his haze he looked around trying to find his savior, his knight in shining ... overalls?

the kid took in every part of this girl he could from her sopping wet red hair, to the striped, orange, brown and white shirt that looked to be going see-through, or the ripped stockings that went under the denim shorts of her overalls. he was smitten.

shyly he made his way to look her in the eyes they were a really pretty shade of brown that his small brain could only describe as small potato's. in his mind she looked like the girls that where on the cover of Sirius's Muggle magazines.

"Hay dolly daydream are good"?

"Fine thanks"

pandora assumed the boy hurt his voice drowning, water in the lungs will do that to someone. "So, you got a name" she asked humored by madam Pomfrey yelling at the boys behind him.

"Regulus Black, you?" regulus used the opportunity to glance at her again, she reminded him of Sirius, similar smile. in honesty he hadn't seen his brother much regulus's mother called him a 'blood traitor' whatever that was it wasn't good their sister was one to. he missed them both, but he wouldn't say that. Never.

"Pandora Deltora, I know your brother, never shuts up about his perfect little brother". the two shook hands. 

Pandora was knocked out of her daydream after that. the year was 1974 these Marauders where 14, mental, and ready for mischief. 

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