2: an understanding between hells

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"Remus, I feel like a candle, I'm just gonna flicker and burn and what's left of me is just going to melt away and no one will notice until I'm gone" Pandora sighed wistfully, eyes tracing the paper Crains that flew around the empty room. "Then don't, you're a candle, right? So, if they try ignoring you burn the house down with them in it"

Remus's answers for things where always very blunt but that's what pandora loved about him there was no beating around the bush he was just honest.

The two often came into this room to talk, tell secrets, get away, just about anything you could imagine they played badminton in this room once, (without the other marauders pandora and Remus have way too much time on their hands) the only rules of their hide away is that you can't tell anyone else, and you can't lie, the room kind of helped with the second one if someone lied in here you could just feel it in the air, the feeling was unmistakable.

the only way to get into the secret room was to tell an old monochrome painting a secret, they discovered the place accidentally and decided that this was there place now.

"Do you ever stop contradicting yourself Deltora" Pandora had just told the brunet next to her that she didn't come up with all the prank ideas and then asked if switching all snapes potions with condiments was a good idea.

"You know being able to except contradictions is a sign of intelligent"

"Or madness" Remus Sighed hoping his friend hadn't gone bonkers. Turning to look at him Pandora blurting out "we would know all about the madness within wouldn't we Remus" the two giggle at the trauma they shared, pandora was by no means a werewolf but she had experience with having your demons personified through your own skin and even if she hadn't had an episode in a long time, experiences like that seem to claw at the back of your mind; because that's the thing with fear it yearns to be felt until it controls you.

"On a better note, what classes, you got" Pandora took a second to find the week timetable she had been given by Professor Flitwick and hand it to him. Remus's eyes travelled down the paper giving small hums every couple lines. he folds the page back up and hands it to the red head girl next to him bursting into giggles when their eyes meet "who takes divination instead of ancient runes"

"I'll have you know peter took it with me"

the two continue to giggle on their spot laying on the ground when pandora shot up looking out the three large windows that reached the roof, it was nearly dinner. the two ran out of the room in a flash of red and blue only just making it to the grand hall in time and splitting to their tables, that are luckily next to each other.

"Happy you made it Deltora." An older blond boy whispered down to her, Eliot Mikador, beater and captain of the quidditch team. he had a band-aid on his nose and eyes that pandora thought could put Stary Night to shame, but she couldn't say that, so she just bit her lip and nodded to the sixth year.

Pandora looked around while Dumbledore made his speech of the week, a reminder that no student could barge into their teacher's office without permission, even if your dorm mates stuck all your belongings to the celling, that particular comment was made with the Marauders in mind. Honestly, he said the same thing nearly every speech, only difference is how he worded his riddles.

Pandora took the free time to look at her surroundings, her brown eyes caught something on the Slytherin table, Regulus. He always looked out of place with the Slytherin boys, he held his cards close to his chest and never looked like he was listening even when he is, the others like rosier and snape, well they were cocky to say the least, but not in the way James was. they had arrogance he did it for humour and a little bit of self-confidence, you know what they say fake it till you make it.

Black was not like this at all, he was coy and sweet, unlike the ones Dumbledore gave he was a riddle she wanted to figure out.

she would say he looked nice right now but, he didn't. he looked pretty no doubt about it but, there was an uncomfortable arm over his shoulder making him stiff, and he stared at the table like a rat curled up and died on it.

he looked up from the hypothetical death and met her eyes, the scowl on the boy's face softening at he saw Pandora. the redhead was caught but she wouldn't let him know that, so she smiled and waved going back to what she was doing before which was definitely not looking at him.

The silver eyed boy would give it to her, she was good at playing things off but, he was better.

Regulus could tell that she was looking at him, it's a kind of sixth sense from strict parents you can tell when people look at you. he thought it over in his head a million times, but he couldn't think of why she would bother paying attention to him of all people.

when he looked up finally, he could see she was as red as her hair, 'cute' he thought. Pandora waved before finding conversation with another Ravenclaw ironically, he believed the blond girls name was also Pandora.

for the rest of the evening, he tried to stay out of the pure blood conversations that the other boys had but it was seeming to be a difficult task, none of them knew how to take a hint.

Dinner soon ended and Pandora quickly departed from her boys and went to her common room, as Pandora went up the stairs, she heard a deep chuckle from above her. at first pandora looked up the stairs expecting to see something, but she didn't.

the reason it sounded like it was from above her is because, Eliot is a giant. the blond's sudden appearance almost sent the redhead toppling down the stairs, but Mikador kept laughing, "sorry, didn't mean to scare you, just had a question."

Pandora tried to calm down as she walked next to the boy. "shoot" she said staring at the ground.

"i has just wondering if you and black are a thing" Eliot spoke cautiously

that almost sent her down the stairs a second time, her and black why would he ever say that it didn't make sense he would never choose her, and he acts like her brother, what-

" i just thought because he called you his favourite red head you might be keeping things on the down low"

"Oh, i was saying that out loud, I'm still saying stuff out loud sorry, and i don't think Sirius would call me his favourite red head, lily's much better than i am, at potions and transfiguration and in general." Pandora rambled.

the blond stifled a laugh, seeing where they got lost in translation. " The other one i meant"

the brown eyed girl had to think for a moment while fiddling with her sleeves, the answer was obvious, but Eliot couldn't be talking about him, they hardly talked to each other. " You mean Regulus, " pandora shook her head, "no, just friends if you can call it that."

"Shame for him, you're a cutie"

the tall blond winked as he went inside, Pandora thought if she died at that moment, she would die happy.

but even if she didn't know it yet she proffered silver to blue.


its been more than a fort night but ... i have no excuse i rewrote this 4 times 

1311 words total, please leave a comment i love reading them.

ICARUS out <3

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