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Ceramic plates rattling, utensils clinking and spanging against each other. The loud scraping sound of what seems to be a saucepan getting dragged towards the sink was what made Hyun Bin stand up to check on his wife's whereabouts.

It only takes a minute for him to reach the kitchen from his comfortable position in their living room. He washed all the dishes before lying down on their plush sofa, wanting to chill a bit before he starts trimming the plants at the rooftop garden. His curiosity piqued upon hearing the loud banging and constant sighs from his wife in the kitchen.

"Jagiya," he softly called her as he walked towards her direction. "What are you doing? Do you need help?"

Taking a look over the chaotic state of their countertop as his wife display her ceramic collection, he failed to notice the annoyance in his wife's aura.

"C'mon. You can do this next time. Don't you want to take a nap?" He cooed her.

"No." was her flat and short answer.

The tinge of irritation in her voice was caught by Hyun Bin that he decided to let her be. He proceeded on arranging some plates, thinking that he was actually helping her.

"You ruined it. I wanted it to be displayed that way," she said as she quickly took the plates away from him.

"Oh. Are you looking for something? I could find it for you."

"No." She flatly replied and turned her back away from him.

He didn't know what made her crossed all of a sudden. She was fine when they had lunch together. They were randomly talking about their trips as she shared about her hobby of buying tableware from the places she visit. Surely, he didn't say anything that would annoy her. He can't think of any reason for her to get mad. Deciding to confront her, he followed her in the pantry where her other collections were.

"Jagi, are you mad?"

"No." She answered while she continued to open cabinets from one corner to another.

"You are. I don't want you to get stressed, jagi. Tell me why you're mad." He pleaded as he was getting frustrated as well.

"I said nothing's wrong. Why don't you understand?" She answered him accusingly.

"I want to understand that's why I'm asking you." He replied, unknowingly raising his voice a bit.

She turned to face him. Hurt clearly reflected in her glassy eyes.

He defected as he sighed, "Okay, jagi. I won't bother you right now. I'll be in the office to read some scripts. You know you can call me when you need anything, right?" He asked, stepping closer towards her.

She didn't say anything nor did she meet his eyes. He decided to give her space without forgetting to give her a kiss on her head before leaving to their home office.

With her left alone in the pantry with her tableware and her thoughts, she sighed heavily at the irrational distress she brought herself into.

She was annoyed, yes. And she got more annoyed when her husband didn't seem to know why.

They were both fine during lunch. She shared excitedly about her travels abroad and how she started collecting plates from around the world. He indulged her and listened attentively to her stories. He even made sure to respond animatedly as she chatted through lunch. It was all fun and normal until he made a side comment. Sure, it wasn't malicious but she was hurt.

Yet we only use the same plates just like any other household. It would be difficult to use everything.

His comment are still clear in her ears. How can he say that? Was he being sarcastic?

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