13 Blackened

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Natalie, Caleb, and Vivian entered the morgue. There he was, Ruben, who had just a minute ago been trying to comfort them all. It made Caleb sick to his stomach to see that happen and knew it could be any one of them next, so he had to focus. However, he looked over at the beautiful partner beside him, he'd taken quite an interest in Natalie. They had shared clues and been very vocal with each other. He decided they would be allies.

Vivian had suspected the two of them as soon as she saw them speak. Their energies radiated with sparks. She didn't know how she felt about it but she would have to ignore it for now, because something caught her attention. Ruben's body was completely white like normal but his entire chest, from neck down was coated in black. "Is that soot?" She brushed it.

Caleb touched it too and drew his hand back. He gulped. "I think it's, burnt flesh." Natalie made a face and leaned over the body. "I don't know what it is but it's only on his chest for some reason." She thought maybe it was because fire or some sort of explosion but they hadn't heard anything.

The divination expert placed her hands over his eyes. "This is what confuses me. Where are his eyes?" She watched as Natalie accidentally brushed Caleb and rolled her eyes. "I have a feeling we're going to find out." They knew that was probably true as Caleb said it and looked at Natalie. She blushed looking back down at Ruben's body. She'd also been interested in Caleb from the start. Vivian wanted to die.

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