Chapter 5

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Azya's P.O.V
I was that kind of a person that never followed the rules, for me rules were made to be broken and it just made sense to me. My parents had a forbidden love so that was the only reason why I knew them and  that was it.
I learned at a young age that life is cruel, it very much is, as harsh as it sounds the fact of the matter is that you one day will end up buried underground. So when Christian took me under his wing and tried to take care of me that's when I became care free. Childish hopes and dreams flew out the window in a split second, my warm happy heart was replaced with a stone cold heart that didn't beat for anyone except for my self, there was no going back to my old self now, or so I thought. I was the Azya that didn't care about anything....untill a month ago, untill I met this brat in front of me....
"Kiss me again asshole..." he said simply before he pulled me back in to another kiss, but this time I didn't hesitate, for some reason I couldn't hesitate I instantly kissed him back. His lips were like drug to me, I wanted to brake the kiss but I couldn't, I craved more. I slowly lifted my hand up, gently brushing my fingers trough his short hair as I deepened the kiss more.
I quickly pulled away once I heard Hunter making me sit up as I gently placed Maylo on the bench
"Make sure you get him home, or somewhere safe and make sure he drinks water, give him medicine tomorrow when he wakes up" I said as the boy nodded making me walk a bit further away. I took a deep breath as I tried to calm my self down, every now and then glancing at Maylo
"Are we going?" I asked Hunter as he nodded
"Wait a minute" he said and turned to the boy asking for his number
"Forget it..." he said
"How are we suppose to know if your okay?" He asked
"You won't because I don't want you around" the boy said as Hunter looked at him as the boy helped Maylo up

Sam's P.O.V
I aquardly looked away from Maylo and the guy not knowing how to approach them. I get Maylo was drunk and he had alot on his mind, but what the actual fuck is he fucking thinking? Does he think that this will fucking solve his issues?
"I got it..." Hunter said as he slowly approached them
"Mhm...." he said making the guy quickly pull away from my delusional friend that was now half dead on the bench. The guy looked at me as he ran his hand trough his hair
"Make sure you get him somewhere safe okay, or home" he said giving me advice on how to take care of Maylo
He then looked at Hunter as he looked at me making me roll my eyes
I may look like dush at this point, but if you were on my situation what would you have done?
"Are we going?" The guy asked Hunter as he nodded turning to him
"Wait a minute" he said as he turned to me
"Can I have your number?" He asked making me sigh a bit
"Forget it" I said
"How are we suppose to know if you are okay?" He asked making me look at him
"You won't, because I don't want you around" I said passing by him
I sighed a bit before I grabbed Maylo's drunk body pulling him up from the bench
"We got Maylo's you need any help?" Duce, Dj and Jessie said, I quickly grabbed Maylo's stuff from them
"No I'm good, I can take care of him, all of you make sure to get home safely" I said
"Okay...text us when you get home" Duce said making me nod
"Mhh okay..." I said I struggled with Maylo's unconcous body
"Aish Maylo..." I said as I drooped him making me sigh as he refused to get up
"Asshole!!" I said pushing him a bit as I saw Hunter slowly lifting him up making me glare at him
"Allow me to help you...everyone needs help sometimes" he said making me look at him
"Mhh..." I said as we tried picking him up
"No...I don't want to get up" Maylo drunkenly said
"I got it..." the other guy said as he picked Maylo up taking him to my car and strapped him on, positioning his head
"Thanks for the help..." I said to Hunter
"No problem..." he said making me look at him
He looked so hurt and he had sadness in his eyes
"I'll see you around" I said, he looked at me with a smile on his face
"Aish...don't get too happy about it" I said before walking to my car.
I sighed a but before strapping my self in and started pulling out. As I pulled out I saw Hunter standing waiting for me to pull out. I smiled to my self as I saw him waving making me quickly snap out of it.
Before I could bring Maylo anywhere I needed to get him adleast a bit sober. I got him a strong black coffee along with some food in order to wake him up so he can adleast walk
"Asih...carefull" I said as he spilled on himself
"I hate my self..." he said as he took a bite from his food making me turn to him
"Why?" I asked as he turned to me
"I had to get order to admit my feelings, my brain had to stop working in order for me to admit that I have caught feelings for a random stranger..." he said as he wiped his tears away making me look at him. I didn't know what to say to him honestly
"Do you know what I went trough this past month? I couldn't open my heart to anyone else because my brain made this Cinderella story in my head, I thought he would appear in front of me and profess his love for me..." he said making me look at him
"I'm so stupid...I'm so fucking stupid, I thought he was princ charming but he turned out to be a criminal" he said
"Your not just went trough something out of the ordinary" I said as he heard his phone ringing
Caller ID: mom💕
" I can talk to her now..." he said as he left his phone ringing
"I'll talk to her...I'll tell her you will stay with me tonight" I said as I took his phone making him nod slowly
"Is everything okay? Why isn't Maylo answering?" She asked
"He fell a sleep...we went back to my place, he will stay here for the night" I said
"Okay...when he wakes up tell him to call me" she said
"Don't worry..." I said before hanging up
Maylo was feeling a bit more sober but still very drunk, he was well enough to walk.
"Come on watch your step" I said as I led him up the stairs
"Sam?!" My mom asked making me look at Maylo
"Aish, Maylo come on go" I whispered whispered him as he looked at me laughing
"Yes I'm home" I answered my mom as I opend my bedroom door pushing Maylo in to my bedroom
"Aishhh" he said as he fell on my bed making me quickly close the door
"Don't make too much noise and go to bed" my mom said
"Okay sorry..." I said before walking in to my room
I looked at my delusional drunk friend, alot of the things he did were very funny but also he was very annoying, he didn't want to just sleep
Eventually I was able to make him go to fucking bed.
"Finally..." I said as I slowly wrapped him in the blanket
I sighed a bit as I walked over to my balcony. I took in the cool air as I glanced at the forest from my balcony enjoying the night sky
"I wonder if Hunter is home safe..." I murmered to my self then quickly snapped out of it
"Oi....why did I randomly thought of that asshole....why do I worry if he is safe home..." I said as I scratched the back of my head. Maybe I should go to be too, maybe I drank a bit too much as well.

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