Chapter 6

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Maylo's P.O.V
"Maylo are you up already it's....." my mom said as she burged in to my room. I was already ready and fully dressed and on top of that my bed was also cleaned
"You are up and you are ready? After two days of not showing up home?" She asked making me sigh a bit
"Mom if you are just going to pressure me then..." she cut me off looking at me
"I won't pressure you...but I do want you to know that I am sorry. I am sorry for not asking you what you went trough the past month" she said
"Can we not talk about it? I'm kind of in the process of forgetting about it..." I said looking at her as she sighed
"Alright as long as you are in no contact with that criminal again...then again I don't know why he made such an imprint on you" she said making me look at her then looked away avoiding her eyes
"I don't know ether..." I said and quickly grabbed my backpack
"I have to go...we are meeting early at the library today with the others" I said before walking out of my room shutting the door behind me
I took a deep breath before I started the car, I did not want to drive while I was shaking
"Why am I still not able to forget it...why can't I still not forget you?" I rolled my eyes as I felt my eyes feeling themselves with tears
"You really are a criminal Azya...who gave you permission to steal my heart like that" I murmered before starting the car
"Maylo hey!" Jessie said as she caught up to me making me smile at her
"Hi" I said simply placing the backpack on my shoulder making her smile at me
"I didn't see you since yesterday...when you were drunk" she said
"Mhh yeah I didn't get the chance to apolaguse to you about that...I'm sorry if I ruend your night" I said
"Aishh ofcourse you didn't!" She said as we contoued walking inside of the school
"But uhh...I have noticed that you look a bit upset about something....are you okay?" She asked
"Mhh yeah I'm fine...don't worry about me" I said making her nod

Dj's P.O.V
I sighed as I saw the view in front of me once I walked downstairs
"He is passed out miss Dj..." the maid said making me nod slowly
"I see..." I said as I walked over to my dad looking at the bottles of beers around him along with pills
"Asshole..." I said as I grabbed his arm wrapping it around my shoulder dragging him up the stairs
"Dj...I know...I know" he started making me place him down
"You don't know fucking promised me! You promised mom and you promised Emily!!! Drugs and alcohol are more important to you" I said simply before walking out if his room shutting the door behind him
He has no right to make me go though this, he has no right to traumatize my mom and sisters. I took a deep breath before grabbing my backpack
"What should we do with him?" The maid asked
"He can go to hell for all I care" I said before rushing out of the house. I took a deep breath as soon as I got in my car placing my backpack on the passengers seat. I rested my head on the seat as I ran my hand trough my short hair trying to calm down.
"Aish...why did I randomly think of her...why did my mind randomly think of last night?" I asked as I caught my reflection in the riverview mirror. My lip was bruzed from last night, but I didn't really have any time to do anything about it
I arrived at school a bit more later then I expected but it was all okay since I wasn't late to class
"Hey Dj, where were you? You weren't at the library with us" Jessie asked making me turn to her
"Mhh I had some family issue" I said looking at her
"Why do you have a bruzed lip?" Jessie asked as she slowly brushed her thumb trough my lip making me pull my chin away from her
"It's nothing" I said before putting my books in my locker
"Hey Dj" Sophie said as she walked over to me making me turn to her
"Hey...." I said looking at her
"Can we studie later at the coffee? I don't know anything, please I need your help, I'll even pay you" she said
"Mhh free of charge...I was going to tutor Jessie and Duce as well and Maylo will be there too to help along with Sam so you welcomed" I said making her nod and smile
Jessie looked at me making me sigh a bit
"What?" I asked
"Did you get in a fight?" She asked making me shake my head
"No...." I said looking at her then quickly looking away
"Dj...come on spill, what's going on?" She asked making me sigh a bit
"Alright here is the deal...nothing happend last night, nothing that would concern you adleast, so you can easily just contoue with your everyday routine and you don't have to worry about me...I am dooing just fine" I said making her look at me
"Oh...okay..." she said with a small pout
I was about to walk away but sighed a bit as I turned to her
"Look I'm sorry...I just...I...I don't know what's happening lately with me, I keep bumping in to somone...soarth of...I just have alot of mood swings lately" I said
"Is it that time of the month?" She asked
"No I don't think so..." I said
' Dj finally starting to have feelings for somone? Has somone stolen your heart miss Dj?" She asked with a smirk on her face
"Aish feelings my ass...just family stuff" I said as I heard the bell
"Ahh class time...I'll see you guys later at the coffee shop" I said
"Good luck" she saod before walking away to her own class.

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