Ⅵ. Fight

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(Edit) ok so I was re Reading this and I got so confused on why it switched, so uhm lemme just put this here for people who also got confused, this is back to the present

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(Edit) ok so I was re Reading this and I got so confused on why it switched, so uhm lemme just put this here for people who also got confused, this is back to the present. Last chapter was a flashback!!
Minhos pov

After I said bye to Jisung I went back to my dorm. Once i unlocked my door i walked in and shut the door behind me. I stood in the door way for a strong minute.

What the actual fuck just happened out there...

I thought.

I went and stood in font of my bed.

"Why did you wipe his mouth Minho?! Stupid stupid stupid!" I whispered smacking myself in the head.

I sat down but quickly jumped up when i felt a sharp pain on my ass. When I went to rub my it I felt something in my pocket. I took it out and it was a spiky pocket knife.

What the hell? When did that get in there?

I examined it for a second until I saw a name.

Property of Han Jisung
           Please return if found

Why was that dudes knife in my pants?

I was getting my shoes back on to go return the knife. When i opened the door Jisung was there..

"Oh uhm s-sorry.." he said rubbing his neck.

He was wearing an oversized t-shirt, small shorts and mix matched socks. The shirt was hanging of his shoulder showing his collarbone. The shirt also covered the shorts so it looked like he was half naked.

"I found your pocket knife in my pants.." I said handing it to the younger.

"Thanks, i was actually uhh coming to get that.."

Jisung took the knife from me and just stood there. Occasionally taking glances at me. He looked.. Uncomfortable?

"Uhm if thats all you needed ill get going no-" I got cut off by a man coming out of Jisungs dorm screaming.

"JISUNG WILL YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK IN HERE!" The man stomped up to the younger furiously.

I noticed the latter jump and take a step back from the man.

"U-uhm I was just g-getting my things b-back from hi-" Jisung started but could finish when the man started to yell again.

"I DONT CARE WHAT YOU WHERE DOING YOU LIVE ACROSE THE HALLWAY IT SHOULDN'T TAKE 7 MINUTES!" The man yelled, he raised his hand like he was about to hit Jisung.

That's when I stepped in.

I carefully pushed Jisung behind me.

"Move." The angry man said.

"Mmmm im good, pretty comfortable right here." I said smiling.

"Don't get involved, this is none of your business." The man said reaching to grab Jisung.

"Well from what I'm witnessing, this is the time where I should step in." I said catching his hand pushing it back.

Jisung got closer to me which made me unconsciously blush.

"You don't wanna do this.." the dude said balling his fists up.

"Your right. I don't. So let's not." I casually said.

The man threw a punch at me opening my lip.

"Wow, pretty strong for a junior." I said touching my lip.

"Ya I go to the gym everyday. Pretty hard to beat a beast like me." The man said flexing his muscles.

He swiftly grabbed Jisung by the shirt and pulled him. The younger slightly yipped by the pull.

I grabbed the man's wrist twisting it, making him let go of Jisung. I twisted his arm behind his back making him unable to touch Jisung.

"Punching me im totally fine with. But touching him is a no go. Got it? Besides, being violent with your elders isn't a way to get onto a football team now, is it?" I said whispering into his ear.

"Now I suggest you leave Jisung alone or there are gonna be more problems between us." The man quickly nodded.

"Listen carefully. When i let go, i need you to run back to your dorm, not his. And if i see you near Jisung again, ill make sure you don't get on  any sports team for the rest of your life." I whispered to the younger man.

I let go and he turned around looking at Jisung.

"Your a lucky mother fucker." He said before he ran off.

I turned around and Jisung buried himself into me. I looked down at him and smiled.

No stop you don't like him.

I pushed him off me and turned back to my dorm.

"Thank you.." The younger said quietly.

"Ya, ya. It was no big deal. Now go back to your dorm. Its late." I said not looking back.

I opened my door and before i walked in a felt a pair of arms wrap around waist. My face quickly heated up.

I turned my head to see Jisung and his face buried into my back.

"I cant go back there.." He said, his voice muffled by my shirt.

"Why not?" I turned around Jisung still latched onto me.

"Hes gonna come back tonight.. I know it." Jisung whispered.

I looked around to see if anyone was in the hallway. Once i saw there was no one around i looked back down at him and sighed.

"Fine...." I said quietly but loud enough for Jisung to look up at me.

Before he could say anything I dragged him inside shutting the door behind us.

Jisung was a little less tence. But still attached it me when I looked down.

"You can let go now." I said kind of annoyed.

"No..." He said digging his head even more into my chest.

"Why?" I said no noticing the smirk creeping up in my face.

"Cause.." The younger said.

I licked my lips and before i knew it I-

No..  Stop. Thats not how this is supposed to go. Minho you don't like him. You will never like him. You need to focus on basketball.

A/N: Longer Chapter then most I've writen. To much had to be said 😨Anyways, how are you guys? Did you eat? Have you gotten outside?

 To much had to be said 😨Anyways, how are you guys? Did you eat? Have you gotten outside?

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