Ⅶ. Three Feet

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Jisungs pov

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Jisungs pov

I saw Kaito run off and I sighed. When Minho turned around I didn't waste a second before hugging him.

He pushed me off and I felt a little sad...

Does he not want to hug me? Does he think I'm weak?

We said a few words, including him telling me to go back to my dorm.

He's going to come back. He always does. And now that Minho 'faught' him he's going to be even more violent...

Before Minho walked through the door I ran and threw my arms around his waist.

I really didn't want to stay in my dorm after what just happened.

"I can't go back there.." I said digging my face into his shirt.

"Why?" He said.

"He's gonna come back tonight.. I know it." I whispered.

Minho didn't say anything for a second. I then heard a faint fine come out of him. Before I looked up he pulled me inside.

When he closed the door I felt a little more safe.

I looked around a little before once again stuffing my face into Minhos chest. Squeezing him more.

"You can let go now." He said. Kind of sounding annoyed... did I care.. not one bit.

"No..." I said, my voice muffled by his shirt.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Cause.." I sadly said with a pout.

I removed me hands from his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck instead. My face still buried in his chest.

There where a few moments of silence before Minho placed his hands on my waist. I looked up and I saw his jaw tense.

Minhos pov

My grip tightened when he looked up at me. I kept glancing from his eyes to his heart shaped lips. I tightened my grip even more before I pushed him away.

God what are you doing to me...

I turned around and walked to my room. Jisung followed.

"You can sleep on the bed ill take the couch." I said not daring to make eye contact.

"Thats not fair. I should take the couch." Jisung said all pouty.


"I dont care, take the bed its fine." I stated still not looking at him.

"Minho its your dorm. You should take the bed, I can take the couch, please.." Jisung said taking a few stepping closer to me.

"Jisung belive me when i say I'm fine. Take the bed." I said started to get a little angry.

"You need sleep, I heard theres a game next week and you need your sle-"

I didnt let him finish his sentence. I stepped closer to him making him back up into a wall. I took his waist into my hands. Now i was mad.

"Just take the GOD DAMN BED!" I yelled.

Jisung looked at me in shock. I looked him up and down. His feet where bare with only socks on. His legs pointed inwards. His arms where pulled up to his chest. And his face... Was inches away from mine...

I slowly let go of him and backed up.

"Sorry. I don't know what got into me.." I looked down in shame.

I looked up and Jisung came closer. He grabbed my hand and sat me down on the bed. He went over to the other side.

"Its big enough for both of us... We can share it if you want.." He whispered, clearly freaked out.

I looked behind me seeing him looking down. He was playing with his hands. His left leg was up on the bed while the right was dangling off. His blue hair was draped in front of his face.

I nodded and spoke.

"Ya we can share. Just don't come closer then 3 feet."

Jisung looked up and nodded slightly.

I took my shirt off and layed down. Jisung was still in the same position as he was before.

"Arent you gonna lay down?" I asked.

He side eyed me and went back to what he was doing.

"Look I'm sorry for lashing out on you. You where making me mad. That's what happens." I stated.

He said nothing not moving or looking up from what he was doing. I sighed and turned facing him. I closed my eyes.

Fine be that way. Its not like i care..

Authors pov

A couple minutes passed and Jisung looked over at Minho. He was asleep. Jisung layed down, scooting closer to Minho

"Why do you have to be so..." He said pushing Minhos brown hair out of his face.


Jisung closed his eyes and fell asleep with his face dug into Minhos chest (again). Minho subconsciously wrapped his arms around Jisung.

They both fell asleep..

Both obviously not 3 ft apart...

A/N: A double update?! we love 💪 anyways i have school tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it. I had a dance Friday and some stuff went down 😧. Make sure you eat, and get outside!

 Make sure you eat, and get outside!

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