chapters 19

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It was raining heavily , maybe the sky was crying too

Tae was inside his house crying and sobbing while jimin was trying to comfort him but it was all in vain

Bogum and Taiwan both were feeling bad for tae and also tried to make him  calm

Taiwan's phone rings but he didn't pick it up at once he thought it was someone from his family but oh boy was he wrong

His phone started buzzing again and again he couldn't help but see who it was and once he did his heart started beating so fast that he thought he would have a heart attack

It was jk calling him

Taiwan excused himself and went outside

With shaking hands he dialed jk's number and called him


Taiwan: s-sorry boss I- I was actually in the middle of the work i-i didn't want to ignore your calls b-but **

He started blabbering on the phone saying thousands of sorry

Jk  : stop and I'll forgive you this time only because I am in a good mood today anyways so the reason I called you was because I want you to leave tae alone in the house

Taiwan  : b-but-

Jk : I'll call you in 20 minutes and I expect the job to be done *sternly*

Without waiting for Taiwan's reply he hung up

Taiwan had no clue what to do at this point to make bogum and jimin leave tae Alone like it was impossible.

With tae

He was thinking about all the moments with his family that became memories

When he was a kid his parents died leaving him with trauma
But his uncle and Aunt helped him alot he loved them more than anything in this world but this cruel world also snatched them , leaving him with nothing but pain

He hated himself now he felt like a failure a bad luck b-

His train of thoughts was cut down by Taiwan's worried voice

Taiwan : jimin your mom got into an accident

Jimin was shocked and scared to death he was shivering

Jimin : w- what  no no no *crying *

Tae started crying because he just couldn't bear the thought of losing his other relatives like why was he so unlucky

It was all a mess

Taiwan : Bogum let's use our brain this time . You take jimin to Seoul hospital and I'll stay with tae otherwise.....

Bogum : i understand..

Bogum helped jimin to get up and took him to his car and they drove off

Taiwan helped tae calm down and told him to have faith in God

Everything was going normal until
Taiwan's phone started buzzing

Well he forgot that it's been 21 minutes now 😑

Taiwan : hey tae I'll just pick this call my mom is calling ok ?

Tae : y-yea *small voice*

Taiwan headed to a corner and spoke


Taiwan : Boss  you can come now

Jk : *smirk * good job

And hung up

Taiwan started acting very scared and nervous infront of tae

Tae : w-what h-happen ?

Taiwan: m-my mom is having trouble breathing tae I need to go *crying*

Tae was scared but then he couldn't be selfish so

Tae : it's ok please go

Taiwan : but-

Tae : I'll be fine *fakely smiled a little*

That was it for Taiwan his eyes started watering for real and he left running from there
He felt so bad for doing that

Tae was alone in his house and he was feeling so alone and scared he needed the warmth of his parents but -

It has been half an hour and tae couldn't stop crying

When he heard a car pulling up

Tae got alerted

And slowly moved towards the door peeking through the small hole

?? : Hey tae open the door it's me

Tae : j- jungkook hyung !!!??

Jk : yea open the door

Tae opened the door and jk came inside

Jk : hey tae I know what happened and I am so sorry to hear that

Tae : w-who told you ?

Jk : oh Taiwan did he said he had to leave you alone so I came I know it's hard to live alone *sympathy*

Tae : o-oh *trying to control his tears *

Jk saw tae sad and he couldn't bare it

Well he couldn't bare the thought that he wasn't the reason behind his sadness so yea!

Jk  leaned forward and hugged tae and that's when tae finally lets out his tears , feeling the warmth of jk's arms he couldn't help but cry he felt safe for an unknown reason

Jk : shh it's ok baby calm down *rubbing soothing circles on his back*

Tae : w-why * hiccup* why *sob *

Jk : it's ok please stop crying baby I can't see you like this hmm

Tae was so tired that he couldn't even stand straight so jk lift him up bridal style and sat down on the nearby couch

Jk made tae comfortable on the couch and got up to bring a blanket


Tae : n-no don't go please 🥺 *holds hand*

Jk : baby I'll be back in a minute I am just gonna bring a blanket from the room

And tae finally let's him go

Jk comes back soon with a blanket and places it over both of them

Tae cuddles jk and we'll who is jk to ignore his baby ( skksks no-one)

They both cuddled and tae fell in a deep slumber

Jk stared at him creepily

Jk : so pretty *rubs tae's lips with his thumb*

the jk slowly leans down and carefully started to kiss him which turned into a hot passionate one

Tae whined a little in sleep because of the sucking on his lips but soon slept again

Jk stopped harrassing tae's lips and held him tight and slept .

Hi homans !!

How are you all
I am so sorry about the late updates
Anyways I'll try to update again soon

Love ya ✨✨💜💜✨💜✨💜

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