chapter 22

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After school

Taiwan came back after talking with jk he was very scared and angry because jk never understood any situation and Just ordered him around without caring for anything
But there was no use to say anything now he was bound to this helpless slavery .

Taiwan joined the others and heard that everyone was about to go home so he jumped in the conversation
" Guys guys! Hold on "

Bogum rolled his eyes " now what Taiwan?" It's getting late we should head home "

Taiwan scoffed at him" are you a kid who is bound to reach home on time huh ? "

Seeing things getting heated tae immediately tried to settle them " Bogum hyung let's hear what Taiwan has to say first  ? " Please " softly said tae

Jimin also agreed with tae " yes hyung stop being mad at him "

Bogum rolled his eyes "alr alr "

Taiwan just ignored him for now " so I was thinking we all have been so sad lately and didn't hang out much sooo i suggest we should go somewhere and enjoy what do y'all think "

Jimim nodded " yea I think that's great also our mood will lift up "

Tae also nodded hesitantly" yea I mean we should?"

Bogum sighed and said " ok where do we go "

Taiwan smiled " my friend has a huge house also he wouldn't mind hanging out with us "


At jk house

A car pulled up infront of the house and all the friends came out of the car .

Tae didn't want to come here but he couldn't say no to them .

Taiwan lead all of them inside the house

They all were fascinated by the huge freaking house jk had like damn the boy richhhhh

They all were fascinated by the huge freaking house jk had like damn the boy richhhhh

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   ( Ignore the cute dog )

   ( Ignore the cute dog )

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Bogum looked around " woa this friend of yours looks rich af  "

Taiwan just rolled his eyes " he is and don't make me embarrassed infront of him please "

All of them laughed

Then Taiwan told them he is gonna call jk but before he could leave
A tall , well built and handsome man came down the stairs and tae knew who he was ( yea ; )

Bogum was shocked and started blushing out of blue

Jk   cleared his throat " ahm , hello everyone "

Bogum already started blushing like hell and it didn't go unnoticed but anyone in the fucking room

Bogum said " h-hello  "

Jimin " uh hello  Hyung "
But jk was just staring at tae waiting for him to say something

Tae didn't want to come off rude so he quickly added. " ...hello h-hyung "

Jk smiled at him more like a smirk

Taiwan wanted to break the awkwardness so he quickly said " uh jk we wanted to hangout with you so will you join us " 

Jk without averting his eyes from tae said " sure only if all are comfortable "

Jimin said " we all are ok  right guys ? "

Bogum said  " y-yes "  looking down while smiling

Tae said " y-yeah ... "

Taiwan said " let's play truth or dare guys. The person who doesn't complete the dare has  to drink 2 shots "

Everyone agreed and they all sat on the floor with an empty bottle

Jk : " let the game begin "


Hiiii homans

Hope y'all are doing well ✨✌️

I might not be able to update soon because I have some problem with the stitches sooo I might have to go to hospital again

Anyways see you next time

Bye bye love ya ✨✨🤗🤗

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