Chapter 1

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End of a War

Laughter and music filled one of the hangars of Da Nang Air Base as soldiers milled about. Most were helping out with preparations for a full retreat. They'd finally received the orders to pull out of Vietnam, an exciting announcement for all of them. In the next 48 hours, they'd all be headed home.

However, not every person was needed for the preparations to leave. Any of the soldiers that weren't assisting chose to lounge around the base. It was their first real break in a while and they were taking full advantage of it. 

Some played basketball or table tennis as others took the time to just relax. One particular group was clustered together near the table tennis table. Most of them were occupied by a game of Poker.

"Man, how many letters did you send her?" 

"Ten? Fifteen?" Mills, one of the young soldiers, answered his buddy, Reles.

"And how many d'you get from her?" another young soldier, Slivko, asked.

"Three. Maybe four," Mills shrugged.

"You got a shitty mom," Cole called from his place beside the group, relaxing in a lawn chair with a book.

"Man, shut up!" 

The younger guys laughed as Mills threw a glare at their older companion. Cole just grinned.

"Least I was doin' better than Doc," Mills scoffed.

The only female in the group raised her sunglasses to narrow her eyes at him. "Whatcha tryna say?"

"Did Donnie ever write you back?" he challenged.

She held up her middle finger and the guys burst into laughter again. A hand on her shoulder made her glance up. Her best friend, a soldier by the name of Jack Chapman, stood over her with a small smile on his face.

"I'm sure he was just waitin' to talk to you in person," he reassured her.

She smiled back at him and shrugged. "Eh, it is what it is. Can't be too mad at him. I did ditch him for a bunch of smelly assholes."



"Not cool!"

She laughed along with Chapman, shaking her head at them. "That's right, I said it! You lot are two days short of moldy."

"What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" Reles spluttered.

She mimicked a farting noise with her mouth then made a disgusted face. They all laughed except for Mills who threw a random balled up piece of paper at her head. She dodged it laughing. Chapman shook his head and pushed her head lightly. She grinned up at him then looked at the cards in her hand.

"Who's turn is it?" 


"I just went!"

Unbeknownst to the happy crew, trouble was brewing just a few feet away. Their leader, Colonel Preston Packard, was sitting in his office glaring at the wall. He was not as pleased with hearing the news that they were pulling out of the war. A man born and bred for nothing but war, Packard saw this as the sissy way out. Instead of keeping up the fight like they should, they were just giving up. The thought made his blood boil. 

Footsteps coming up to his door made him look up. Chapman stood in the doorway a moment.

"Sir?" He asked permission to enter.

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