Chapter 2

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The New Mission

"We're what?" 

Lena stood there, staring up at Chapman in shock.

"Colonel's gonna tell the rest of the group tomorrow. We might need someone with some medical expertise though so I suggested we bring you and he agreed," he finished explaining.

"So we're not goin' home?" 

He shook his head. "Not yet."

She ran a hand over her face with a groan. He chuckled.

"Thought you might be okay with that," he said.

"And why's that?" She challenged, raising an eyebrow at him.

"It's not gon be a long trip. Just long enough for you to come up with a good excuse for why you missed Billy's birthday," he replied with a smirk.

He then turned to walk away. Her eyes went wide. "I didn't miss it. The package got lost in the mail. What was I 'posed to do?"

"Uh huh."

She scoffed and flipped him off behind his back.

The next morning, the rest of the unit was told about the change in plans. No one was particularly happy about not being able to go home. Instead of heading for the States, they were headed for Bangkok, Thailand where the ship would launch from. Over the course of the next day, the rest of the team was collected. This included the people working for Monarch—the ones fronting the mission, the scientists from a company called Landsat who specialized in geological discoveries, a mercenary brought in by Monarch, and a photographer. 

It was quite the group. Lena was roaming around the ship by herself when she ran into said photographer.

"Mason Weaver?" she guessed making the woman turn.

The blonde woman looked surprised.

"Uh yeah. You're the first to actually get it right," she said with a small frown. "Apparently, they hired me thinking I was a man."

"Ooh, tough," Lena winced. "Bet they were excited to see ya though. Not many chicks on this mission. We're the only ones stupid enough, it seems."

Mason shrugged, smiling a bit at the other young woman. She had expected to be the only female on board. She was happy to have another one. 

A loud clang sounded making them turn around. Two of the guys were messing around, bumping against crates and things. Mason rolled her eyes at the sight of them while Lena just pursed her lips unamused.

"Hey!" she yelled and they both looked their way. "Mind keeping the roughhousing on the top deck? I can only treat bullet wounds if the body's still intact."

Both soldiers' eyes went wide as they realized they'd been bumping against crates of explosives.

"Sorry, ma'am," they called and ran off.

Mason looked at Lena in surprise. Lena put her hands on her hips with a thoughtful expression.

"'am...I like that," she mused. "Much better than Doc."

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