Chapter 11

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"Alright, we'll move out in ten," Packard said to the group.

Everyone nodded and scattered out along the bank. 

"We're all gonna die! You're a great group of boys though. A great group of boys to die with," Marlow laughed, sounding a tad crazy, "We're all gonna die here. You shouldn't have come here."

Conrad sighed and glanced over at Lena. She stood there, staring straight forward tensely. He frowned noticing the blank stare was the same one she'd had at Gunpei's memorial.

"Lena," he called over softly.

She didn't turn to look at him. "You don't have to tell me what a bad idea this is," she said, her voice hollow, "I know. But I can't leave him. I already lost him once."

He said nothing in response. When the ten minutes were up, they started off west. Everyone's heads were on a swivel. The group slowed as they neared a ridge. The ground dropped off to reveal a massive pit filled with bones.

"You smell that?" Marlow asked. "That's the smell of death."

His words only added to the dark feeling that hung over the valley. 

"What the hell is this place?" Cole snapped.

"This is what's left of Kong's family," Marlow answered, a somber expression overtaking his usually cheery features.

Lena let out a shaky breath. She'd never seen such a massive skeleton. And to think that Kong would one day be that size. It seemed unbelievable. Yet the proof was staring right at them.

"I've taken enough photos of mass graves to recognize one," Mason muttered under her breath.

Lena put a hand on her shoulder making the woman turn to her. A look of empathy shown in the doctor's eyes. She had too.

The only person who didn't seem fazed was Packard. "The crash sight is on the other side of this valley," he stated, "We need to cross through and make it to the highest point west."

"Uh uh," Marlow said shaking his head, "This place is a real no-no, sir."

"We need to get to the north side right now," Woodward spoke up.

Packard turned to the scientist with an aggravated look.

"You're welcome to do that my man, by yourself. I'm not leaving Jack out there." 

He shot a pointed look toward Lena. She frowned then looked out over the valley. She wondered if the cavern she'd gone through was under this valley. If so, there was no reason to worry. But if those caverns extended like Brooks claimed they did, it had to have been connected to one of the ones the skull crawlers came from.

"We can make it," she breathed.

All attention snapped toward her. She nodded, her resolve firming up. She needed to save her best friend. They'd have to risk it.

"We can do it," she said, looking to Packard.

He nodded. "Damn right we can make it. Now stay sharp and keep an eye out."

He started forward, sliding down the ridge into the valley. Reles exchanged a look with Woodward then sighed and followed. 

"Course, what do I know. Only been here twenty-eight years," Marlow scoffed, following too.

Lena hesitated, her subconscious betraying her. She wasn't sure if they could make it. Was it really worth the risk? Putting everyone's lives in danger for one person? She knew what Chapman would tell her.

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