The accident

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When I wake up I immediately turn off my phone alarm. It's Saturday, that means I get the first shift on the farm. Today's list of things to do consist of fixing fences, feeding the cattle, getting chicken eggs, put hay out for the cattle and horses, and groom the horses.

Not to mention that I have to find time to do my homework too. One more week and it will be summer. Then I'll have tons of horse and cattle shows to compete in.

While getting out of bed I grab my hair brush and put my hair up into a ponytail. As I fumble around my room I smell bacon cooking down stair from the kitchen. I hurry up and throw on my jeans.
While I'm running down the stairs I finish pulling my cut off shirt over my head. If you aren't fast enough to get food while it's still warm and before your siblings eat all the food you don't eat till lunch. I learned this the hard way growing up with 4 older siblings.

As soon as I get to the kitchen I see my brother Jake. Jake is 21 and still lives at home so he can help out with the farm. "Good morning " Jake says to me. As I'm grabing two plates from the kitchen cabinet I say back to him "good morning". I set the table and get the silverware. Next I get two glasses of milk and put them on the table. "So where are you going today?" I ask as we both start eating.

"I'm going over to the Johnson's house to start plowing."Jake is always plowing and planting for people, especially for older people who still want to farm put can't spend as much time outside. Jake also helps my dad bush hog and bale square and round bales.

"How many acres are you going to do today?" He thinks for a moment and then looks at me and says, "probably just 2 acres today. I have plans tonight and I want to get home to clean up. "
At this I am surprised, Jake never cares if he's cleaned up around his friends. And then it hits me. "You have a date tonight!" After I say this he starts to blush and looks down at his plate. "

Who is it?" He hesitates and then says," Natalie" my eyes go wide. " You have a date with Natalie? Natalie Tray? How on Earth did you get a date with her?"
Natalie Tray was In Jakes class his senior year. She was the class valedictorian and went off to College to become a doctor.

Jake answers shyly," I ran into her at the grocery store yesterday. We started talking and I asked her out, and she said yes."

"I am really happy for you." I tell him sincerely. he hasn't been out on a date in a year. he's a very dedicated worker. He's constantly trying to get dad to be proud of him.

Jake and I hurry up and finish our breakfast. We put our dishes away and put our boots on. " I'll see you later." I tell him as I open the door," good luck on your date tonight!" I call back to him. "Thanks! I'm gonna need it!" He yells back to me. I just smile and shake my head as I walk to the horse barn.

****this is my first story I have put on Wattpad. I would love to see if you like the story and what I could do to make it Better. Thanks for reading!****

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