The News ~ Part 1

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As soon as I get inside the horse barn I go straight to Lucy. My parents got me Lucy for my 10th birthday. She was my very first horse, and is my absolute favorite horse that we have on the farm.

"Hey baby girl. How are you today?" I whisper as I stroke her face. She nays in response.

"I know. I know. You have been cooped up in this stall for way to long haven't you baby? how about I take you out for a ride to check the fences?"

I walk over to the saddles and grab mine. Once I have Lucy all tacked up I gracefully swing my leg over her.

When we finally get back from checking the fences I dismount Lucy and take her tack off. Then I brush her and lead her back into her stall.

"I'll see you later baby girl. Take it easy." I tell her as I'm leaving the barn.
Next in the list of things to do is to take care of the cattle.

I fill the water tanks and grab the buckets of grain. When I get done pouring the grain in the feed trough the cattle coming rushing up to it like bees swarm a bee hive.

It's about 12:30 so I head inside to fix me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of milk. After I'm done eating I put my dishes away and notice my best friend is driving like a maniac up my drive way.

"What's the rush?" I ask her as she steps out if her truck.

"There's been an accident Brooke.." I look at her curiously.

"What kind of an accident?" I ask Kate anxiously.

"Kate? what happened? what's going on?" She looks at me and starts to cry.
"Jake was in an accident while driving the tractor. A semi hit him."

When I hear this I freeze. All I can do is stare off into space. I feel like screaming, but I can't get anything out.
Instead I just start to run to the house for my keys.

"Brooke what are you doing?" Kate calls after me still crying.
"I have to be with him Kate. I have to go."

" You are not going to drive so don't even think about it. I will take you to the hospital."

We both jump into her truck and start to drive towards the hospital.
As we are driving In silence we pass the wreck. The tractor was on it's side and crushed. Parts of the frame were everywhere. You could hardly tell it was a tractor.

The semi must have hit him really hard for it to look like that.
When we finally get passed the wreck Kate starts to talk for the first time since we got into the truck.

"You know, I know you are tough and all, but it's ok to cry or show some kind of emotion. this is scary. It's nerve racking... I'm just saying that I'm hear for you... you don't have to keep all of your emotions in."

"I know..." I must sound really stupid for saying this, but it's all that I can get out. I want to scream so much. I want to cry. But I mainly just want to be able to talk to my brother right now.

Jake and I have done almost everything together since we were little kids. He is always the first person, besides Kate that I go to for help or advice.

When I finally get to the hospital I rush inside. I don't know what I was expecting would happen when I got in there but all I knew was that I needed to know everything about Jakes condition.

I run up to the receptionist, " my names Brooklyn. My brother was in an accident involving a tractor and a semi. I need to know what's going on" I say all of this in a rush that I don't even know if I said what his name was. So I quickly add, "his names Jake Greene"
She types his name onto the computer.

" He's in surgery right now sweet heart. I'm afraid that's all I know. You are welcome to have a seat in The waiting room till the doctors are done."

Kate and I are waiting in the waiting room for about 30 minutes when my dad shows up. He comes running into the hospital just like I did. He sees the two of us and comes over.

He pulls me into a hug and we just stand there holding each other for what seems like forever. As we pull apart from each other I ask him," did you get a hold of Derek, Mason, and Charlotte?"

" Your brothers and sister said they would all be in as soon as they could."
" Oh ok..."

" Have you heard how he's doing?"
"The nurse just keeps telling me that he's in surgery."

" Then I guess all we can do is wait. No matter how much we don't want to." he tells me.

So the three of us are waiting in the waiting room. Staring off into space. And waiting to see if we get any word on how Jake is doing. Waiting......and waiting....

*** Thanks for reading! I would really like to know what you guys think about this story so please comment. Please also keep in mind that this is my first story that I have put on wattpad for other people to see. Thanks again for reading!***

Falling for the helpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora