Chapter 5

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Sunday, 5pm

     I had just got back from the hospitals cafeteria from eating when my oldest brother Derek walked into the room.
"Brooklyn," he said as he walked over to me and gave me a hug,"are you okay?"
Of course I wasn't okay, but could I really say that to him? No....
So instead of saying anything I just nodded my head.
We both just sat there starting at Jake not daring to brake the silence.
Derek is a surgeon in Washington D.C. He's one of the best. They have magazines about him all over the place. He's even been nominated for an award. He even has a wife and two little boys that are a handful. Needless to say I'm very proud of my oldest brother. Mom would have been proud too.
"So when is school out for summer?" Derek asks me.
"I have one more week"
"So you'll be going to school tomorrow?"
"Only if I have too..." I shouldn't have said that because I know that of all people Derek will make me go tomorrow.
"Of course you have to go Brooklyn. You're almost done with you're junior year. And beside Jake wouldn't want you to miss any school. He wants the best for you. We all do."

I'm really surprised I didn't get a bigger lecture then I did. Usually he would do a 30 minute rant about how missing school is blah blah blah. And school blah blah that. Needless to say I usually tune him out when he goes on his rants.
But I do understand what he's getting at. My siblings have always looked out for me. Especially since mom had gotten sick and dad was gone all the time working.
"Fine I guess I'll go..." And with that he dropped it and we both went back to our silence as we say with Jake.
Sunday, 8pm

Before I even opened my eyes I heard people talking in the room. I tried going back to sleep but the talking kept getting louder.
When I opened my eyes I saw that Derek was taking, more like yelling, at Charlotte while mason was just standing there with his arms crossed agreeing to whatever Derek was saying.

Derek and Charlotte have never gotten along. Every Christmas and thanksgiving they always have a fight.

After a couple of minutes of arguing Charlotte looked over at me and saw I was a awake. She turned away from Derek and walked over to me. " hey. How are you Brooklyn" she asked as she gave me a hug.
"I've been better. But I'm glad you're hear now. What are you and Derek fighting about now?"
" oh nothing. It's fine don't worry about it"
I just looked at her in a really? I know you both better than that kind of look.
"How about I take you home so you can get some sleep in your own bed before school tomorrow?"
"Sure.  But you will tell me what the fight was about. "
"Fine," She said with a sigh, " but not tonight. I will tell you when it's time to tell you. Got it?"
"Fine" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Charlotte and I have never been the best of sisters but after mom got sick we confessed a lot more stuff to each other then we use to.

Charlotte lives in Florida with her husband. She's a well known lawyer. And he's a foot doctor.
How he can look at people's feet all day everyday amazes me. I hate feet.

I PROMISE the book will get better in the next chapter!! I'm just trying to put in some background to set the story up.

Sorry it's taken me this long just to write another short chapter. Luke will be introduced in the next chapter I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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