Chapter 9

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After 2 weeks Jeongin and Hyunjin were getting closer even if it was slow but it was something.

When Jeongin got to school he headed to his locker and realized Hyunjin was waiting for him.

He noticed the younger boy and smiled.

"Hello Hyung"

"Jeongin hi" he answered

"So ima throw a party on Friday at my house and I want you to be there, nothing big just drinking with some friends"

Jeongin though about it and agreed

"Sure I'll be there thanks for inviting me Hyung"

Hyunjin looked him up and down admiring the younger boy.

"Yeah no problem"

He left to his class and as Jeongin opened his locker he couldn't stop smiling.

Of course he had to go to that party but he wasn't going alone. He had to find a way to convince Jisung to go with him.

During lunch Jeongin looked at Jisung wondering what he could do to bribe his friend.

He had nothing.....

Maybe he he asked nicely he would go?

"Um Jisung so Hyunjin asked me to go to his party this Friday and um I was wondering if umm you wanted to go with me?"

"Yeah let's go I have nothing planned for Friday anyways."

It was that easy

Friday came and after school both boys dressed up and went to the party.

Both of them wore white button shorts with blue jeans and white boots. They we're actually  marching.

When they arrived they were greeted by a lot of people from school.

There was music, snacks and a lot of alcohol of course.

They even saw some people smoking in the back

Jisung poured a shot to Jeongin right away.

Jeongin was actually excited, he though that if he was drunk he would talk to Hyunjin without being scared.

They both drank 3 shots in under 40 minutes.

Jeongin was a lightweight and he was begging to feel tipsy.

Jisung on the other hand was a heavyweight and needed to keep drinking.

They both danced and laughed for a little.

It was actually really fun for both of them.

At that moment Jeongin saw Hyunjin from a distance. He was with a group of boys just walking and drinking.

The older boy finally realized the younger boy looking at him and when he did he walked over him right away.

"Hey you actually came"

Jeongin couldn't really hear him so he got closer to him.

"Yes of course I wouldn't miss it"

Hyunjin looked at the drinks both of them had

"Dam are you guys drinking the hard stuff already?"

He saw Jisung pouring another shot of Patron into his small cup.

"How many shots have you had Jeongin"

He though about it for a second "probably like 5"

He was already dizzy but that good type of way.

Hyunjin asked him if he was okay and to his surprise he grabbed him shook his head.

Now that Jeongin was drunk he was not nervous.

Right away Hyunjin liked this.

Just then Jisung took Jeongin to the bathroom and Hyunjin was a little annoyed.

He noticed how Jisung and Jeongin were matching outfits like a couple, how he was so close to the younger.

It made Hyunjin want to take his relationship with Jeongin to the next level.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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