♤♡Demons and Angels♡♤

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Magic Spells and General "unnatural" Powers are a work of fiction right? Well in this World, it isn't and Magic has existed for thousands of years. Yet, mere Mortals, Humans, can never obtain such Power when alive but...they are able to once they die and end up in the Realm of either Heaven or Hell. If a human doesn't rebirth, wich may be lucky or not, they may receive a power they thought unimaginable.

The Races that can Obtain Power and even receive high Status within their Realms are Creatures Named "Angles" and "Demons". There are many Parts of both Realms and due to rebirth of the Soul it is never to many of both Races. Judgement is cast upon the soul seeing if they are rebirthed or not, if not, they shall live eternally with in the Realm chosen for them. There are even "Special Cases in this process revealing one with either a pure Heart or one filler with Darkness, or even because they have committed an unforgivable sin while walking the Earth.

The Magic and Spells you learn and are able to learn can be used for all kinds of things, such as expressing power or to help....or to destroy. Depending on the type of Soul...the Reflectionof the Person, their Magical Compatability or Magical Abilities may vary.

An Angel, let's take our Angel Yashiro as Example, may look fragile and weak yet can have a high Magical Compatability and Abilities stronger than you. Yashiro has a high Status in the Angel Realm due to her good heart and pure soul, it is barely tainted wich makes her Abilities stronger. She especially so focuses on specific types of Magic, mainly being Plant Magic and Types of Healing Magic.

Demons on the other hand are also a whole other type of thing, let's take Hanako as an Example. He's already of high status being one of the Seven Deadly sins, wich give him more power over certain subjects and a certain type of magic he's especially exceeds in. He radiates a lustful but also menacing Aura, and unlike Yashiro looks stronger and like own not to be messing with. Like his Title suggests, even living up to it fully, he has a certain type of "fun" with others. He likes to pray on those who have some innocence left in them and suck them dry of it. A demon like him could easily let a flower either and die...perish into nothing, and due to his lack of innocence and compassion he isn't able to use healing magic unlike is utter counterpart Yashiro. The type of Magic that Hanako exceeds in is of course lust, he as an example can heighten the libido of any person and control how high their libido is. Let's say on average a normal angel and demon have a libido of 15-20%, Hanako can manipulate that percentage and get you as high as to 40% or higher, wich depends on the will and soul of the person.

So, depending on the Race, someone may have exceeding strength in a certain Catagory of spells or in a certain type of spells. Yet there is also another unique thing with Demons and angels, their Aura.

An Aura is the Spiritual Aura a Person gives off wich may show just how dangerous they are, or lustful, or how pure. The Aura is also another Reflection of the Soul, so it kay show Purity and Impurity in one. The Stronger the Aura of a Person, the Higher their Magical Compatability and Ability to use magical spells. Their Capabilities also depends on how well they are in control of their own Emotions. As example, if you were to perform a healing spell, feeling hatred and disgust may not heal a person it any just kill them. On the other hand, depending on certain emotions, they can also strengthen spells, if you feel love and compassion toward a person, the healing spell may be even stronger on them.

There is also a small detail that some may find obvious, but the Aura isn't visible to the naked eye, it's something that is felt. Yet some special cases are able to see anothers aura, like the demon of lust himself. The demon preys on those with purity, and so having this ability helps him find them.

Now coming to a more interesting topic, the Appearances of Angels and Demons. Everyone imagines that Angels and Demons all either have feathery wings or horns and a tail. Well, you'd both be right and wrong.

Angels do have wings, but not just everyone gets them, not everyone is worthy of them. So some Angels, due to a pure heart may posses strong, healthy and large wings while some not super pure have smaller wings, and some don't have any at all, wich is more of the norm these days.

Demons, also may have a tail and horns but they're more of known for animal like features. Like long elf like ears, a wolfs tail, long tongues, multiple body parts and eyes and so on. A demon naturally doesn't always have these features, and some actually look quite human.

[Thanks to Everyone reading this and for waiting so long for an update! I've really had a hard last year so I'm so glad to see noone is mad and a lot people enjoy my story! Thanks for getting me so high up on a few of the categories and following me. Thanks so much for the encouragement and for being so patient with me. I'm so proud of my readers! I bless you all]

[If any of you have any wishes and suggestions on what you want in the coming chapters and in the story. Be it spicy (👀🙊) or some innocent fluff time (😊❤) then tell me in your comments and I'll get to reading them and adding more to the story!]

[Have a wonderful Day everyone and Toodaloo!]

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