Dorm buddies

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Ashlyn walks into her dorm, and sees Maddox. "Hey.." She says, looking for her name. "It's Maddox. You're.. Ashlyn?" She guesses, and Ashlyn nods. Ashlyn looks around and the entire room is completely decorated. It has pastel striped wallpaper, fairy lights, a map of Ontario, and even her side of the room is decorated. "You like the room?" Maddox says, proud of how she's done it. "I- Yes! I just brought my own decorations if that's alright." Ashlyn says. Maddox hesitates for a moment, then says quickly, "Yes! Totally, I'll just-" And Ashlyn cuts her off "No need to take anything out, I don't have wallpaper in my box." They both chuckle, and Ashlyn gets to work. Maddox turns around and smiles to herself.
Ej walks into his and Gina's dorm after getting off a call with someone. It is already decorated from last semester, and Gina is exercising. "Hey eej, what's up?" She says to him, noticing his worried face. "Hey.." she says softly as he hits down on his bed, and she comes over to sit down next to him. "Talk to me, is your anxiety acting up?" Gina says, holding his hand. "Yeah, it's nothing. But you know how competitive I can be. And I've seen these freshmen sing. They are all so amazing, i just don't know if I'll get anything good as a part this semester." He says, wiping the worried tears off his face. Gina thinks for a moment. "Is this really just about the freshmen?" she says, EJ Hesitates but says, "You know my dad hates this school. I'm just worried he's going to send me back to Albany." Gina starts to tear up at the thought. She can't loose the only person she has at school. Ej pulls her into a hug. "Hey, G, no, it's just my anxiety talking. I promise you it'll all be fine." Ej says, but doesn't really mean. He is worried himself after talking to his dad.
      Ricky and Jet walk into their dorm. The rug is covered in stains and so are the walls. "Looks like my financial aid did this to our dorm." Ricky said, sarcastically, but honestly feeling pretty guilty. "What the hell...." Jett groaned, spotting a water leak in the window. "Sorry, babe, I didn't plan for this." Ricky said. "It's alright, it's not your fault...I call top bunk!" Jett replied to brighten the mood. "Oh no you don't!" Ricky gasped, running to the ladder on the side of the bed and hopping on top of it. "Finders keepers!" Ricky yells, Jett mock-groaning and putting his stuff on the bottom bed. Ricky climbs down the ladder to sit next to Jet. "Looks like you caved in." Jet says. "Ohh don't get it mixed up. I'm sleeping on the top." Ricky says back. "Or, we could always settle for both sleeping on the bottom. So it's fair.." Jett says flirting. "I don't hate that idea." Ricky says, chuckling.
Ashlyn grabs her bag, and opens the door to the hallway. "I'm going to grab some food before the big party tonight, care to join me?" She says to Maddox. Maddox smiles to herself and considers, but quickly says "Oh.. it's alright, I'll just have something at the party. See you!" And then Ashlyn replies, "See you!" And leaves the dorm. Maddox feels guilty for not going with Ashlyn, but she couldn't. ...Becuase she had to finish setting up her room, right?

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