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you belong with me - taylor swift

you'll know when to play it!

«monday 22nd march 2019»

"anne!" marilla shouted from downstairs.

my eyes slowly fluttered open, adjusting to the light.

"anne are you almost ready?"

oh no. my alarm didn't go off. i'm going to be late!

"i'm sorry marilla, i must of missed my alarm, i'll be down in five minutes."

"fiddlesticks." marilla whispered under her breath.

i quickly sat up, reaching over to my bedside cabinet to grab my phone. i tapped the screen, and the time read 7:50, diana usually picks me up for school around 8:05.

i pulled my self up and rushed over to my wardrobe, grabbing myself a pair of black jeans and a white jumper.

panickly, i grabbed my hairbrush and brushed my hair until it was no longer knotty. i glanced at myself in the mirror and then tapped my phone once. i decided there was not enough time to put my hair back into two plaits, so i left it down.

i rarely leave my hair down. i feel as though it drags more attention to the horrible colour.

i glanced at my reflection once more, before deciding something was missing. i looked over to my left and i saw my makeup sprawled out over my desk. i dug through the mess, and found exactly what i was looking for. my mascara. i quickly applied some and then i put it back with all my other makeup products.

running out of time, i decided this was the best i could do, so i grabbed my pale blue backpack from under my desk and headed down stairs.

"morning, marilla, morning matthew." i said with a small smile, before giving both of them a kiss on the cheek.

"oh anne, your hair looks lovely today." marilla complimented, staring at my red locks.

"thank you marilla, but i wish i had enough time to braid it, it looks silly down."

"oh whatever do you mean child, your hairs very nice, come and grab your breakfast and i'll make you a sandwich."

i made my way to the table, where matthew was sitting, he had his cup in hand and he seemed very interested in the news paper he was reading.

i wolfed down the crunchy nut cereal, marilla had prepared for me, and then i grabbed my white airforces and put them on.


"oh, diana is here!" i said, smiling at my adoptive parents. i then collected my sandwich from marilla and made my way to the door, waving them goodbye.

"goodbye marilla, goodbye matthew!"


i ran over to diana's car, greeting her whilst i got in.

"oh diana i've had a certainly peculiar morning, my alarm decided to not go off even though i was certain to turn it on last night and now my hair looks a mess." i frowned, slumping back in my seat.

"anne your hair looks pretty, don't worry, and will you connect your phone please1 you have spotify premium." diana asked and i giggled at the last part.

"of course dearest diana."

"thank you sweet anne." she smiled.

anne flicked through her favourite playlist until she came across her and diana favourite song, 'you belong with me, by taylor swift.'

«you're on the phone with your
girlfriend, she's upset
she's going off about something
that you said»

the girls began to sing along, diana tapping the steering wheel whilst anne ran her fingers through her hair.

«but she wears short skirts
i wear t-shirts
she's cheer captain and i'm on
the bleachers
dreaming about the day when
you wake up and find
that what your looking for has
been here the whole time»

i was swinging my head around to the beat, singing my heart out along with diana, giggling.

everyday since the start of this school year, diana has picked me up and we have sung this same song everyday. if you couldn't tell, taylor swift is our favourite song artist.

as the musical part started, i was swaying to the beat.

«standing by and waiting at your
back door
all this time how could you not
know, baby?
you belong with me
you belong with me
you belong with me»

as the song came to it's end, me and diana softened our singing. we were out of breath. we just sung our hearts out to our favourite song in the whole entire world. i'd do anything to get tickets to a taylor swift concert, in fact, she's having one this year, in los angeles, but its too much money and far away.

finally we arrived at school. my first lesson is maths, which diana is in too, and my other best friend cole, so we waited for him at the school gate, like we do every monday.

i checked my bag once again, making sure i had my history homework. my history teacher, mr phillips, is a pain when it comes to homework. he's so annoying. and there is someone else i find equally as annoying..

gilbert blythe.

ugh that boy get's on my nerves. just hearing him breathe makes me want to rip my ear drums out so i can no longer hear him.

anyways, enough about him.

"hey anne? you okay? i think you zoned out for a sec." diana said, looking at me.

"um, yeah i'm fine. have you heard from cole?"

"he said he will be here in-" she started, before getting cut off by cole jumping on her back, scaring the both of us.

"COLE" we both said in sync.

"the look on your face anne was priceless!" cole snorted, holding his stomach because of how hard he was laughing.

"yeah yeah, whatever. come on, we can't be late for mr smith!" i said rolling my eyes, before joining in with cole's laughter, causing diana to laugh too.


written : 22.08.22
- eves❣︎

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