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- mary on a cross - ghost

my first lesson of the day is maths, with mr smith. a teacher whom i don't particularly like very much. he enjoys embarrassing me in front of the whole class, for example; when he asks me questions he knows i don't know the answers too, or when he compares me to gilbert, causing me to become very agitated.

unfortunately, this is one of the few subjects that gilbert actually beats me in.

for some reason, i've always struggled with maths. the different numbers, calculations, shapes etc just really confuses me. it's not the same as writing a poem, and definitely not as easy.
people say i have a special way with words and they adore me for that, others say i talk to much and it annoys them.

but anyway, who cares about what others think.

i'm anne shirley- cuthburt, an independent individual who is quite capable of doing stuff on her own.

the smell of old books filled my nostrils as i made my way inside mr smiths classroom. gilbert was already sat at his desk, with an amused grin spread across his face, whilst staring down at a paper he held in his hand.

i quickly sat down at my desk, placing my bag to one side as i realised what he was grinning at.

the test scores.

yesterday, we had a maths test, and i'd say it was one of the hardest tests i've taken in my life.
yet again, it probably wasn't that bad.

the week before, i had stayed up late, drifting off to sleep as i studied ever so hard for that test, as i was determined to beat the curly haired boy, who sat a few seats ahead.

my eyes landed on the spot where it told you who came first.

gilbert blythe.

i rolled my eyes, groaning before placing my head in my hands.

"well shirley, you can't be first in everything." gilbert said cheerfully.

i decided not to respond to his childish comment, so i grabbed my book and furiously opened it.

"oops, somebody's mad."

"shut up gilbert."

he chuckled, before focusing his attention back to his book.

i rolled my eyes once more, and then i picked up my pen and wrote the date.

"ugh i'm having the worst day ever." i thought to myself.

it was now time for my second lesson.


english was definitely my favourite lesson. perhaps the only lesson i was extremely excited to be in and that i never want to leave.

miss stacy is my teacher and she's great! she loves hearing my poems i create and she always sets me a little extra homework, which i really enjoy doing.

i walked through the door, flashing a big smile to miss stacy. receiving one back.

i sat down at my desk, unpacking my things before hearing the voice of miss stacy overpower the rest of us.

"alright guys, so as we are learning about books at the moment, i thought you guys could make a project on any book that you take a liking too."

"perhaps today isn't as bad as i thought." i smiled to myself.

"i have decided to pick your partners-"

the classroom filled with groans, and my smile dropped.

"i really hope i'm with someone i at least tolerate." i thought to myself.

"everybody shush!" miss stacy said, before continuing, "as i was saying, i have decided to choose your partners, to hopefully start some new friendships. so, i will be handing the sheet out with all the information you will need for this project. please read the first page before turning over and reading the partners."

miss stacy made her way around the classroom, handing each student a sheet of paper with everything they will need for the project written on it.

as soon as i was given my paper, i began to read through the first page, just as miss stacy said. but the gasps and groans from around the room made me curious, so i ended up rebelling and turning the page.

ruby and jerry

diana and charlie

josie and billy

anne and gilbert

tilly and-

"wait GILBERT!" i yelled, causing most people to stop talking.

"ANNE!" gilbert said, his eyes wide in horror.

"miss stacy, please reconsider! i can't sit two minutes without arguing with him, never mind working on a project with him for two weeks." i gulped.

"indeed, please miss stacy, i can't even bear to look at her, never mind study with her!" gilbert added.

"how dare you." i scoffed.

"oh, as if you weren't thinking the same thing about me." gilbert responded, rolling his eyes.

"oh so now you can't bear to look at me! well listen hear blythe-"

"enough! you two have been bickering with eachother for long enough, it's about time you learn some respect for eachother and stop this sillyness. no more complaints. you will be working with eachother and that is that." a very annoyed miss stacy yelled, cutting me off, causing me to furrow my brows.

"but-" i started.

"no buts!" the teacher finished, turning around in an orderly fashion before speaking once more, "everyone, please write the date."


written - 28.08.22

- eves❣︎

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