An unexpected party

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Y/n knocked at the door that Gandalf marked, as the right house. Right after she stopped she heard an annoyed voice from inside.

"There's no one home!" the voice shouted. That didn't stop Y/n, she didn't travel form the Blue Mountain all the way here for nothing. She continued knocking until she saw the door open.

"Y/n. At you service" she said with a bow. "You must be Mr. Boggins" Y/n guessed with a smile.

"No-no I am sorry with all the respect but you cannot come inside"

"What? Has it been cancelled?"

"Nothing has been cancelled" he said quite confused

"Oh well that's good!" she remarked stepping in. Y/n looked around a bit as Mr. Baggins was busy doing something else, she quietly placed her brown bow on the hanger and entered the next room. Dwalin and Balin were moving a table in a larger corridor, along with two of her favorite dwarves: Fili and Kili. They were all too busy to notice Y/n's presence, but when they did Kili almost dropped the table they were moving on Fili's foot;

"Lady Y/n!" he smiled, his brown chocolate eyes full of happiness. Kili gave her a gentle hug scared that she might break. His brother, Fili smirked at his action but still came closer to her giving Y/n the warmest good-to-see-you hug. Dwalin and Balin both gave her a greeting nod, happy that Y/n managed to find the door.

Not long after, another knock was heard. Bilbo rushed to the door looking at the bow Y/n hanged, and then shouted:

"No! There's nobody home! Go away and bother somebody else! There are far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some clotterd's idea of a joke, I can only say that it is in very poor taste."

Y/n gave Bilbo an offended look, for calling her a dwarf, her height being the only thing close to a dwarf. Bilbo throws open the door, and at his surprise, seven dwarves fell on the floor forming a pile in front of Bilbo. Suddenly Gandalf appear in the doorframe bending down to enter the small hobbit house.

"Gandalf" Bilbo says with grinned teeth. After a short talk between the two Mr. Baggins left to change. In the meantime, everybody started bringing food from the pantry and placing it on the table.

"Excuse me, that's my chicken" he told Bombur as he came "If you don't- that's my wine! Excuse me!" he commanded to Bifur who was taking a glass bottle full of wine. Oin went to Master Baggins to tell him something but Y/n didn't understand the dialog. After Oin left Mr. Baggins continued to be irritated by the presence of the dwarves.

"Put that back. Put it back. Put that back" he was saying to each one of them that had food.

Y/n was standing in the corner of the room giggling at Bilbo's frustration and at the hard time Kili and Fili were having trying to open the beer barrel. She moved her attention towards Dori that was trying to serve Gandalf with some tea. Of course, the old wizard refused it and asked for wine. Classic. Y/n saw Kili and Fili moving the whole beer barrel in the dining room after millions of tries to open it. When Kili noticed her looking, he quickly winked at her, his brother smiling at his action. Gandalf then walked out of the now dinning room and started counting the dwarves.

"Fili...Kili...Y/n.." he said looking at them. She brightly smiled at the old wizard "Oin, Gloin" he counted "Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur" he started counting on his fingers "Dori, Nori, Ori"

Y/n saw Bifur and Gandalf talk and then heard Gandalf say "We appear to be one dwarf short"

"He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin. He will come" Dwalin assured Gandalf.

Soon enough the feast has started. Everyone was eating and laughing. Bofur threw a piece of something at Bombur and of course that the food lover catches it. Soon enough a food fight starts. Everyone starts throwing food at one another, laughing and having the times of their life.

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