Last Summer Day

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-Killua's pov-
This summer really did go by fast, Gon and I had spent all summer at his aunt Mito's house, we tried to do as much as we could in the few months we had together. In just a few minutes I would be boarding a boat to a new city, Leaving my friends behind is going to be rough but I knew I had to move to get a fresh new start, and actually have a chance at a normal life, beyond killing people and training to be an assassin.

"Hey Gon?" I said laying with my head hanging off of his bed. "Yeah Killua?" Gon replied while spinning in his office chair. "Are you gonna, ya know... Miss me?" As soon as I finished my sentence Gon stopped spinning and faced towards me. "Ofcourse I'm gonna miss you, you're my bestfriend... Well my first friend. So obviously I'm gonna miss you. What makes you ask?"
"Oh nothing, I'm just scared you're going to forget all about me once I leave." I say sitting upwards now. "Killua, I will never forget you. Okay? Look I promise that I'll facetime you as much as I can, and I'll call like everyday!" Gon said with a big teeth bearing smile on his face. I know leaving him will be hard but nothing would ever change our friendship or what we went through together. "Okay okay, I believe you but you better not break that promise." I gave him a serious look then raised my eyebrow at him to make sure he knew my seriousness was a joke, as soon as I raised my eyebrow he broke out into a contagious laughter which just made me laugh ten times harder than he was. After we were both practically crying from laughing so hard aunt Mito knocked on the door. "Boys, we have to leave soon!" Me and Gon looked at eachother knowing that soon we would have to start a countdown of when we would meet eachother again.

Standing next to what would bring me to my new life and seeing Gon crying was really hard and almost made me change my mind, but I knew I was doing the right thing to have a good life. "I hope you get there safe, and don't be a stranger, if you ever need anything I'm just a phone call away. Oh and remember the door is always open if you ever want to come back." Aunt Mito said with tears gathering up in her eyes. Gon could barely say anything so all he did was hug me and he also gave me a little going away present, three chocolate bars. "Thanks Gon"
"Be safe out there Killua." He finally muttered. After what seemed like an eternity of hugs and goodbye's I finally boarded the boat. Gon and Mito waved goodbye one final time and I was off to a new start.

-(Y/n) Pov-
This summer was not nearly long enough for me, tomorrow the dreaded, 8 hour, prison starts again. And that means I'll be forced to see Chase again, I can't even stand thinking about seeing him with Mia, holding hands and walking around the halls together. Over the summer I was publicly humiliated by Chase Hillford, the most popular guy in school. See we had been dating for about 11 months when he went on a date with Mia Katora, the most popular now junior. Chase and Mia are in the same grade which to other people is good because you get the same classes, but before Chase decided to cheat we had picked our classes to be the same, which means I'm stuck with him in my classes.

"Man I can't wait for tomorrow!" My bestfriend, Lila, said while sitting at my vanity. "Ew dude, I already want this school year to be over." I said while laying, sprawled out on my bed. "Just think of all the cute boys there are going to be, plus what if there's a CUTE new boy!" Lila wiggled her eyebrows at the word cute, which made me giggle. "I seriously doubt that there will be any cute new guys at our school, all the cute new guys are usually only in the movies." I said rolling my eyes with the last few words. Lila is the shy, boy crazy type. She's had a new boyfriend at the start of every school year, but this year's different since she has a crush on a guy in our grade, Josh.

"Hey what time is it? I have to prepare for tomorrow still." Lila asked, now spinning in my vanity chair. "It's 9 o'clock" pointing my phone up to her. "REALLY," Lila started to yell. "I HAVE TO GET GOING!" Her yelling scared me causing me to jump an inch off my bed. "I'll see you tomorrow and remember be ready by 7:15 or else i'm leaving without you." Lila said while waving and walking out of my room. "Okay okay, bye see you tomorrow!" Man i can finally relax. Maybe I should get some early rest, I mean that's all the preparing I have to do the night before. I can't believe it's the last summer day. I threw on a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt as pajamas, I turned off my light and got all cozied up under my covers. Man I'm gonna absolutely HATE tomorrow, but maybe there will be a new cute guy. A few moments later I shut my eyes for the last time and fell sound asleep.

-Killua's Pov-
It was around 9:30 when I finally arrived at the place Ill be calling home, it was a two story, blue and white house with a huge open yard and three cars parked in the front, two black and one blue. This house was owned by my older cousin and her husband, Olivia and Max Zoldyck. I walked up to the large front door and knocked twice. Not a few seconds later Olivia opened the door and welcomed me in. "Wow Killua your so grown now, last time I saw you you were just a baby. How old are you now? 16?" She asked while grabbing my all of the stuff I brought with. "Yeah Im 16, and your home is amazing!." "Why thank you, now I'd show you around but it's getting pretty late and I'm sure your tired so Ill just show you to your room and tomorrow after your first day of school we can do the whole introduction thing, okay?" She said walking up the stairs. "Yeah that's cool." I started following her. She led me to a large bedroom with a queen sized bed and matching dresser in it. "Now here's where you'll be staying, Our room is down the hall and the bathroom is across the hall. If you need anything don't be shy. Now get some good sleep and I'll see you in the morning!" she then put my bags down next to the dresser. "Okay thank you!" I sat down on my bed and looked around my new room. Maybe this won't be so bad. I layed back and within minutes I was out like a light.

     Hiiii! So idk how many people are actually gonna read this but if you do THANK YOUUUU ❤️🙏🏻!! This is my first story so i'll take suggestions and ideas. Ik it was a sorta long first chapter but I hope it all works together! Okay enjoy and have an amazing day! ily❤️

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