Chapter 1

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I was getting out of bed to get ready for school when all of a sudden Gwen shouted "Finney wake up! We gotta go to school!" I finish getting up from my bed and go to change. I changed into a  white shirt and put on black pants with slight rips but still noticeable,then put a dark green jacket along with my shoes. I go too where Gwen was yelling from and looked at her "your going to school with your hair like that?" She asked, I didn't know what she was talking about but then I went to go look in the mirror and I saw that my hair was all ruffled up and all over the place. I go back over too where she's at and say "it's fine my hair is curly" "and all over the place"

She chimed in with a chuckle, I didn't mind my hair looking like a mess so I just left it alone.

We were walking to school and we saw a fight happening, I tried to get Gwen away from the fight but she wanted to see. So I figured why not see who it is.

We push through the group of students and we see the people who are having a fight, we see Robin and some student I don't know. Robin was on top of the student and he kept punching him a lot. There was blood and we were gonna be late so I grabbed Gwen so we could go into school "come on Gwen were gonna be late!". When we got to our class we were 2 minutes late and the teacher was suspicious because were new and we were late on our first day.

I was bored sitting in class so I asked to go to the bathroom, the teacher said yes and I got out of my chair and started walking to the bathroom but while I was walking I realized that I didn't know where the bathroom is and I didn't want to ask anyone because everyone was in class so I just wandered the halls looking for a bathroom. I was looking behind me to see if someone would appear and I was about to turn back around but I bumped into someone and I fell to the ground. I hit my head and it hurt but I was fine, I looked up at him with confusion in my eyes.

𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯: I looked down to see who bumped into me and saw him on the floor rubbing his head, I figured that he hit his head when he bumped into me. " you okay?" I asked him while he was staring up at me. It took a few seconds for him to reply "yeah I'm fine" he said in a soft voice. I held out my hand to him to help him up and he looked around like he didn't know that it was for him. He took my hand and got up, I figured that he was just nervous because he was talking to me and bumped into me meanwhile I always beat up anybody. He had a red face and he looked so cute nervous so I decided I wanted to have his name.


I couldn't believe that he was being nice to me after I just bumped into him, I was sure he was gonna beat me up but I guess not, "what's your name?" he asked with curiosity. I didn't know why he wanted my name but I guess I'll just tell him. "my name is Finney Blake" I managed to say without stuttering he looked at me with a smirk.


"Finney, nice name" I say while smiling. But I began wandering what he was doing out here in the middle of class. "Hey uh what are you doing out of class?" I asked he just looked at me like he wanted to ask me the same thing but he didn't, he just sighed and said "I was going to the bathroom because I was bored in class and I wanted to put cold water on my face so I wouldn't fall asleep" "that still doesn't explain-" I was saying but I got cut off by Finney saying something "I'm new and I don't know where the bathroom is" he said looking guilty. I decided I would help him because why not? "I'll help you, I'm going there too anyway" he looked relieved so I smiled and started to walk past him in the direction of the bathroom and he seemed to realize that he was going the wrong way the whole time so I chuckled at the face he made and he just stared at me.

(Alright guys let me know if you want another part)

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