chapter 2

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We were walking to the bathroom and Robin looked at me and laughed. I have never heard him laugh before and he sounded really cute so I stared at him, he was still smiling and I paid attention to his face and saw that he looked cute smiling too. I felt my face starting to get hot but I ignored it. I was looking at Robin and noticed that he was taller than me, a lot taller than me actually so I got curious on how tall he is, I tried to be subtle about it. "Hey how tall are you?" He looked at me confused but he answered "uhm, 7'5, why?" I looked at him with a surprised look "what?" he asked confused.

"I'm only 5'8" I say sadly, I look at him and see him trying not to laugh, "It's not funny!" I say playfully punching him "sorry sorry!" he said in between laughs.


We finally get to the bathroom and Finney goes to one of the sinks and I go next to him, I start washing the blood off of my knuckles and it stings a little but not that much. I saw that Finney was staring at my hands in worry "don't worry I'm fine" I said trying to get him to calm down, he still seemed worried so I was about to say something when Finney talked first "can I help you wrap your hands?" he asked. I figured I would let him help so he could stop worrying, I put one of my hands out so he could wrap it and I was surprised when he had bandages, I guess he had them in case someone got hurt.


I got out my bandages and saw him holding out his hand so I could start bandaging it, I held his hand and started bandaging it, while I was bandaging his hand I looked up at him and saw him blushing so I smiled in response. When I finished wrapping his hands I held his hand in mine and kissed his hand. Since it was second period I just left him there shocked and went to my class.


Finney finished wrapping my hand but he still held my hand I was about to say something but then he kissed my hand and it took me a few seconds to process then I noticed that he left after kissing my hand and that I was blushing like crazy. So I took a few minutes to calm down then went out to my second class.

After most of my classes, it was lunch so I just went to go get food and sit with Vance.


I was sitting down at an empty table waiting for Robin who was waiting to get his food. When Robin finally got to the table and we started talking. While we were talking he kept staring at someone and blushing, I guessed it was someone he likes so I looked to who he was staring at and he was staring at the new boy who was sitting alone.

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